IOS 13 beta Over the air updates not available/working

This is a shame and it’s also happening with iPadOS

The first installation of beta software is usually a restore file and then you can do OTA after that for each update.

Wonder if you can help me,

I have MacOS 10.15 , no itunes on it, it the new split apps, now i got the file, but where on earth do I go so I can use the file? I know what i was doing in itunes, but it not on here!

same here... ALT/option click restore when you have selected the device. Gives you browser where you can select image.

Hi, can you confirm what app I Meant to be in please?

As I'm in the Music app currently, since there no itunes and what you saying isn't working

Ok, so this is a little new to me as a new dev... downloaded the restore file, but still don't see a beta profile to install for 13?

Yeah, I’m not seeing the beta profile either. I called support and they said I am up to date on all new agreements to agree to so it should show soon. But, I’m still not seeing the download button.

In MacOS 10.1.15?


Yeah just found that out!

Wish Apple informs us of this things lol

Can we no longer download the profiles off of safari on the iphone like we used to?

I feel so much better knowing I’m not alone trying to figure out these changes

Does iOS 13 beta install require OS 10.15?

Mac OS 10.15 or Xcode 11

Ah, device management via the Finder! A great feature… but who knew?

They did. It was shown in the Keynote Address yesterday.

Anyone who watched the Keynote Address yesterday.

Download XCODE beta and launch it. Install the IOS restore version for your device (iPhone). Install iPad OS restore verions for your device (iPad). Launch XCODE. Lanch iTunes. Plug in your device. Hold down OPTION while you click "check for UPDATE" button Locate the restore file for this device in DOWNLOADS folder Run installer Do this for Apple TV 4th Gen, iPads and iPhone For TV 4K you;ll have to update through Apple Configurator Hope this helps.

Hi Razormaid

Thanks for the info, I've never updated to a Beta iOS using this option. I'm a bit nervous to be honest. If I need any further assistance, I'll be giving you a shout lol.


Barry :-)

So even if I use macOS 10.13, I should be able to download the iOS 13 developer beta through the Xcode 11 Beta release? Please include a step-by-step guide or something because this isn't really intuitive.

You can still install the beta profile via safari, apple has not released any OTA updates yet.

Hi How do you install the iOS 13 Beta Profile via Safari? The iOS 13 Beta Profile isn’t available :-( Thanks Barry :-)

From a Mac?? How do I get iOS 13 on windows. I’m irritated that I’m paying money for this developer account and I can’t download the regular way.

Since when was the first beta for major iOS on ipsw only?

Hey, guys, the installation documentation at the bottom of the downloads page is crystal clear. It will walk you through the installation process step-by-step.

IOS 13 beta Over the air updates not available/working