App Reject Performance: Accurate Metadata (Guideline 2.3.1 - Performance)

Hi, I have an app, (match 3 game) sinse 5-6 year on the store.. I recently perform 2 changes... Improve GUI to support iphoneX / new ipad resolution and add button (reward video to receive free game items) but apple reject my apps with this reason...(Guideline 2.3.1 - Performance) and not send more details... Is beacuse is a paid app and cannot have reward video on it ?



seriously, im not sure i understand... My 2 Apps comeback to In review and now accepted...

He never answer to my message, BUT he fix the issues...

Thanks for answer !


i got a rejection today for the very same reason.

2.3.1 states that i have hidden features, or selector mangling or features that will change the behaviour of the app once approved.

Well i have absolutely nothing about this.

I don't know why i have been rejected and i have just filled a form to appeal.

I have the suspect that reviewer sometimes could really not review the app.

I have asked also to clearly states what obfuscated code or hidden features they found, and im very curious to see them because there aren't...

I quite upset today. Being treated as a dishonest man is quite upsetting to me.

Got the same error. I just updated some cocoa pods libs. But I think it has nothing to do with this! any other updates on this guys?

the only thing changed for me was the update to the last xcode (Version 10.2.1 (10E1001)) and the update to swift 5 (the automatic update). Nothing more than this.

Now i am waiting a reply from apple and also a reply to the appeal i have made

They probably don't review only the changes but may perform a more thorough check.

Your previous version was accepted, but couyld be that rules have hardened now.

They can change they rule, but they don't give a clear reason in a reasonable time.

Sometime we just wait over a weeks or months for a robot reply.

Same rejection here. Never received it before until this submission

I have get same issue any one help me out

App Reject Performance: Accurate Metadata (Guideline 2.3.1 - Performance)