When iOS will support web push notifications?


Progressive Web Apps is a trend in 2019 and web push notifications for iOS are not supported right now.

Do you have a date for the web push support?


Post not yet marked as solved Up vote post of diegohueltes Down vote post of diegohueltes
  • The main reason not allowing push notification is because if they allow it then most of the developers will use this instead of native app development and App Store can not review the pwa apps because of that many security issues will come

  • This wouldn't be a bad thing.

  • "App Store can not review the pwa apps because of that many security issues will come" - :))))

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Add Push for PWA in iOS 14 please!
This is a critical feature for my app 😔
While feature requests are not uncommon in the developer forums, this is a fairly informal place for tracking such things.

"+1"ing a dev forums post is nowhere near as effect as filing an issue with Feedback Assistant. Please do with specific use cases!
In the WWDC2020 “What’s new for web developers”. They are talking about supporting Service Workers but it is not clear if they (finally) support the Push API in iOS14. Does anyone have an update on this? So many people are waiting for this feature!
  • 1

Was anything mentioned about support for PWA Push Notifications in iOS 14 mentioned at WWDC 2020? This could be very beneficial!

Apple, don't let Android leave you in the dust on this.

Don't hold your breath. Apple is and always has been closed and controlling, their MO is not to give up any control until they absolutely have to in order to remain relevant in the discipline in question. They will always try to own the game before giving in and joining the community, so no, they don't give a rat's *** about open development. Not to mention they make bank by charging confiscatory rates to partake in their mandatory distribution means (i.e. Apple Store) -- hence the lawsuits, and by all rights there should be an antitrust action. Best thing you can do is to build killer PWA apps with features that will be by default Android exclusives, only if there are enough of these will Apple's selfishness motivate them to do the right thing.
Can't wait for Web Push!! Please @APPLE give us a clearly deadline!
Can't believe this is still not available on iOS devices in July 2020!
Whilst searching for more info I came across a petition on change.org titled 'Apple Inc.: Implement web push notifications on iOS devices'
Don't know if its already been mentioned but there's nothing to loose by signing the petition, maybe they'll listen?

Post not yet marked as solved Up vote reply of cep1 Down vote reply of cep1
Yes, this is absurd.
Hmm, any day now Apple
Apparently voicing our opinion publicly is less effect than delivering it to their big board. So make sure to do both!

Login here.

Title it what you may! Select WebKit and then Suggestion. And write away how this will help our users.

For me I don’t need any low level apis for the applications the Dubsado builds. We don’t need fancy emulation. And we don’t need to jump through the hoops of writing a second app just to achieve push notifications.

We need to be able to tell our users when they’ve received updates on projects and invoices and the various features we use.

Allowing/growing/and encouraging PWA’s doesn’t necessarily mean no one will use the App Store. PWA are great on Android, yet I still enjoy the app market there. But while on the topic, maybe another idea for the Feedback Assistant will be allowing for PWA’s to be listed on the App Store.
Apple is waiting way too long to unlock web push. When it happens it'll be too little too late. Devs start a revolution instead of begging the apple for crumbs. What happens when China stops buying iphones because they can't download weChat from the App store?
At least if you have no intensions on enabling notifications for IOS, then please advise so I/we can make an app to cover Apples side. But for sure, don't leave DEVs hanging here when you have a method(); of communicating to help us move forward.
