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When a macOS SwiftUI app is minimized and the dock icon is clicked. The app won't be deminimized and put to the front just like other native apps do. /* macOS Monterey: 12.3.1 (21E258) Xcode: 13.3.1 (13E500a) Swift: 5 */ import SwiftUI @main struct MyApp: App { @NSApplicationDelegateAdaptor(AppDelegate.self) var appDelegate var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { MainView() } } } class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate { func applicationShouldHandleReopen(_ sender: NSApplication, hasVisibleWindows flag: Bool) -> Bool { // THIS IS NEVER CALLED!!! if !flag { for window: AnyObject in { window.makeKeyAndOrderFront(self) } } return true } }
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Expected behavior on all tests: The red rectangle will animate it's size from zero to the size of the parent view when the Present button in the top right corner is tapped. When the button is tapped again, the red rectangle will shrink from the size of the parent view to zero.TEST #1 PROPERTY STATE CHANGEActual behavior:Works as expected.Code:struct ContentView: View { @State private var presentRedBox = false var body: some View { NavigationView { GeometryReader { proxy in ZStack { // ------ Rectangle().fill( .frame( width: self.presentRedBox ? proxy.size.width : 0.0, height: self.presentRedBox ? proxy.size.height : 0.0 ) // ------ } }.animation(.default) .navigationBarItems(trailing: Button("Present") { self.presentRedBox.toggle() }) .navigationBarTitle(Text(""), displayMode: .inline) } } }TEST #2 ANIMATABLE/VIEW MODIFIER USING PROPERTY STATE CHANGEActual behavior:Works as expected.Code:extension AnyTransition { static func sizeTransition(from: CGSize, to: CGSize) -> AnyTransition { .modifier( active: SizeTransition(size: from), identity: SizeTransition(size: to) ) } } struct SizeTransition: AnimatableModifier { var size: CGSize var animatableData: AnimatablePair<cgfloat, cgfloat=""> { get { AnimatablePair(size.width, size.height) } set { size.width = newValue.first size.height = newValue.second } } func body(content: Content) -> some View { print(size) return content.frame( width: size.width, height: size.height ) } } struct ContentView: View { @State private var presentRedBox = false var body: some View { NavigationView { GeometryReader { proxy in ZStack { // ------ Rectangle().fill( .modifier( SizeTransition( size: self.presentRedBox ? proxy.size : .zero ) ) // ------ } }.animation(.default) .navigationBarItems(trailing: Button("Present") { self.presentRedBox.toggle() }) .navigationBarTitle(Text(""), displayMode: .inline) } } }TEST #3 ANIMATABLE/VIEW MODIFIER WITH TRANSITIONActual behavior:The red box will animate in as expected. However(!) it will NOT animate out but disappear immediately, although the log shows the correct values.Log animate in:(0.0, 0.0) (1.8118343353271484, 3.3873424530029297) (7.392631530761719, 13.821006774902344) (16.9350643157959, 31.66120719909668) (30.5800838470459, 57.17146110534668) (48.38059616088867, 90.45067977905273) (70.25803184509277, 131.35197257995605) (95.95654678344727, 179.39702224731445) (124.99998664855957, 233.6956272125244) (156.67254066467285, 292.90953254699707) (190.03098106384277, 355.27531242370605) (223.97296714782715, 418.73206901550293) (257.33140754699707, 481.0978488922119) (289.00356674194336, 540.3110160827637) (318.04700660705566, 594.6096210479736) (343.7447319030762, 642.6531944274902) (365.6217727661133, 683.5537490844727) (383.42189025878906, 716.8322296142578) (397.06651496887207, 742.3417453765869) (406.60855293273926, 760.1812076568604) (412.18856048583984, 770.613395690918) (414.0, 774.0)Log animate out:(413.61268043518066, 773.2758808135986) (410.07547760009766, 766.6628494262695) (402.6749496459961, 752.8270797729492) (391.2381649017334, 731.4452648162842) (375.6612854003906, 702.3232727050781) (355.94628524780273, 665.4647941589355) (332.24832916259766, 621.1599197387695) (304.9215717315674, 570.070764541626) (274.5523223876953, 513.2934722900391) (241.9665470123291, 452.3722400665283) (208.19354438781738, 389.231409072876) (174.37908554077148, 326.0130729675293) (141.67486381530762, 264.870397567749) (111.12004852294922, 207.74617767333984) (83.55758285522461, 156.21635055541992) (59.59075355529785, 111.40880012512207) (39.58871841430664, 74.01369094848633) (23.71967124938965, 44.34547233581543) (11.994667053222656, 22.42481231689453) (4.315790176391602, 8.06865119934082) (0.5136623382568359, 0.9603252410888672) (0.0, 0.0)Code:extension AnyTransition { static func sizeTransition(from: CGSize, to: CGSize) -> AnyTransition { .modifier( active: SizeTransition(size: from), identity: SizeTransition(size: to) ) } } struct SizeTransition: AnimatableModifier { var size: CGSize var animatableData: AnimatablePair<cgfloat, cgfloat=""> { get { AnimatablePair(size.width, size.height) } set { size.width = newValue.first size.height = newValue.second } } func body(content: Content) -> some View { print(size) return content.frame( width: size.width, height: size.height ) } } struct ContentView: View { @State private var presentRedBox = false var body: some View { NavigationView { GeometryReader { proxy in ZStack { // ------ if self.presentRedBox { Rectangle().fill( .transition( .modifier( active: SizeTransition(size: .zero), identity: SizeTransition(size: proxy.size) ) ) } // ------ } }.animation(.default) .navigationBarItems(trailing: Button("Present") { self.presentRedBox.toggle() }) .navigationBarTitle(Text(""), displayMode: .inline) } } }TEST #4 ANIMATABLE/VIEW MODIFIER WITH TRANSITION FOR OPACITYExpected behavior:The red rectangle will animate it's opacity from zero (hidden) to one (visible) when the Present button in the top right corner is tapped. When Present is tapped again, the red rectangle will hide from one (visible) to zero (hidden).Actual behavior:Works as expected.Code:extension AnyTransition { static func sizeTransition(from: CGSize, to: CGSize) -> AnyTransition { .modifier( active: SizeTransition(size: from), identity: SizeTransition(size: to) ) } } struct SizeTransition: AnimatableModifier { var size: CGSize var animatableData: AnimatablePair<cgfloat, cgfloat=""> { get { AnimatablePair(size.width, size.height) } set { size.width = newValue.first size.height = newValue.second } } func body(content: Content) -> some View { print(size) return content.opacity(Double(size.width)) } } struct ContentView: View { @State private var presentRedBox = false var body: some View { NavigationView { GeometryReader { proxy in ZStack { // ------ if self.presentRedBox { Rectangle().fill( .transition( .modifier( active: SizeTransition(size: .zero), identity: SizeTransition(size: CGSize(width: 1.0, height: 1.0)) ) ) } // ------ } }.animation(.default) .navigationBarItems(trailing: Button("Present") { self.presentRedBox.toggle() }) .navigationBarTitle(Text(""), displayMode: .inline) } } }
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