Quoting Apple's SA ToC 8.1.18 (emphasis mine):
4. Your Information. You agree to provide accurate, current and complete information required to register with Search Ads and at other points as may be required in the course of using Search Ads (“User Data”), including, but not limited to, company name, physical address, corporate payment information, relevant tax information or other information as requested. User Data is subject to Apple’s privacy policy, which is accessible at www.apple.com/privacy. You acknowledge and agree that Your use of Search Ads and the Services (as defined herein) will require Apple to send email communications to You at the email address that You provide upon registration. You hereby confirm that any User Data You already have provided to Apple (including, without limitation, in the App Store application process or through prior use of Search Ads) has been accurate, current and complete. You further agree to maintain and update Your User Data as required to keep it accurate, current and complete.