No Accounts with "App Store Connect" Access for team.

Getting this error when trying to push an update to the Mac App Store. The Apple ID I'm logged in as has the role Admin in App Store connect.

Restarted Mac and the upload went through. No change in accounts.

Accepted Answer

Restarted Mac and the upload went through. No change in accounts.

Restarting Xcode alone worked for me.
Restart Xcode works.
Why should we restart the Xcode in order to publish archived app? Is there any specific reason?
Restarting XCode worked.
Restarting XCode really worked.
Quit Xcode and reopen Xcode worked
restarted worked... but I could see the low quality of xcode in these few years.... so sad...

Restart Xcode worked for me as well

Just got this as well - Xcode re-start worked for me too. I spent a while trying all sorts before googling and finding this thread. Xcode is getting worse!

Restarting your Mac. It's work for me.

I've restarted my Mac with no luck. And then I tried restarting Xcode and archiving our app all over again and still nothing. Logging in to App Store connect in Safari is fine but Xcode isn't working for me. I'm just going to wait a while and try again.


Now working. So here's what I did:

  1. In Xcode, I went to Settings > Accounts
  2. There was a notice saying my session had expired so I logged in again.
  3. Tried uploading my build and it worked this time.

All the above didn't work for me: but I found a fix for my problem.

I have multiple accounts in Xcode logged in at once. For some reason Xcode decided (probably to do with 13 upgrade) to always chose the wrong account under the hood when uploading an app to the store. When I went digging through the error logs is found this out.


  • Go to: Preferences
  • Select: Accounts
  • Temporarily delete the account Xcode defaults to and Voila

Is there a known way to specify which apple Id will be used for an upload?

Thank you!😀

I just had this problem - I restarted Xcode and everything worked. It does beg the question, though...Why make people restart Xcode when we just want to validate an app or whatever?

Restarting device or Xcode did not work for me. For me the solution was found after opening the System Preferences, where I discovered that I had to log into my Apple account again for some security reason.

Restarting worked for me also, thank you!

Working till now :)

Restart of Mac worked for me.

Apple developer experience is a joke.

This time I had to restart my laptop to get it to work, but it was successful after the restart.

Restarting Xcode alone worked for me.

restart worked

Worked for me on March 2024 :)

Working after 5 years now.

No Accounts with "App Store Connect" Access for team.