3. 2.0 Business: Other Business Model Issues


Apple rejected my app saying "We found that your app is not appropriate for the App Store since it is designed specifically for Company Name¨

The application allows access to internal collaborators and people in general.

How can I solve this issue?

Work with that company as a consultant, helping them to obtain a Developer Enterprise Program account so that they can distribute that app internally.


After around 30+ build distribution, Apple rejected our app during the review saying "During our review, we found that this app was designed for a specific business or organization and not for general distribution on the App Store. Business apps available on the App Store are meant for use by a wide variety of external customers around the world"

Now they are asking us to check the Custom Application distribution via Apple businees Manager.

But changing the business modal at this moment will affect my existing users.

And our application is being used by wide varity of users across the globe. We even have added the signup page where in users can request for the app access.

How to solve this issue?

Hello ShilpA,
I ran into the exact same issue.
Did you find any solution? ty

Does anyone been able to publish the app? Actually i ran into the same problem, Apple claims that our app "was designed for a specific business or organization, including its partners, clients or employees, and not for general distribution on the App Store.."

Our App has an signup screen, a login screen and generates a safe token for two factor auth into our websystem.

They "Encourage" to use the Business Manager, but this is an impracticable way for us.

I'm facing the same situation. Have anyone any update about this issue?

We have the same issue, anyone got any idea how to resolve the problem?
Having it available on the app store is essential


And me +1

So we have to use internal distribution or given options and cannot publish it as public so that it can be seen by the general public, which our customer also wants to do even if the app is not available to the general public. That makes sense right? companies/business wants to show outside that they are up to date with technology and functioning effectively.



3. 2.0 Business: Other Business Model Issues