An Unexpected 'eGPUOverrides' Message in the Console Log


After succcessfully parsing the MAS Recipt in main.m, my app normally proceeds on to 'awakeFromNib'.

However, when running in Mojave, after the main.m but before the normal 'awakeFromNib' I'm seeing this:

2018-09-02 21:33:07.849779-0700 XYZ[2006:472429] [default] Unable to load Info.plist exceptions (eGPUOverrides)

My dev box is an aging iMac that has never had any eGPU attached to it.

I am using the Xcode 10.0 (10L2323m) command line tools...

What causes this message?

Is there anything I can do to prevent this from occurring on some future customers machine?

Is the presence of this message a potential risk in the Mac App Store?

A link pointing to any documentation that I might have missed on this would be deeply appreciated!




Had this problem and I am now fairly certain it was related to how I used singletons. I had two classes, a DataController and a Cache, defined similar to

class DataController: NSObject {
    class var sharedInstance: DataController {
        struct Static {
            static let instance = DataController()
        return Static.instance
    fileprivate override init() {

class ChangedFilesViewController {
     // removed these instance var inited in constructor or like so
     //let dataController = DataController.sharedInstance
     //let cache = Cache.sharedInstance        
     func reloadData() {
          // and moved them closer to the scope they were used
          let dataController = DataController.sharedInstance

I hope this helps.