Safari keeps logging me out of any logged in web site after a short period. Have to constantly re-login.

Facebook and Reddit are good examples. If I am logged in after maybe 5 minutes if that I have to re-log in. Any one else seing this?

Turn off both website tracking in safari privacy prefs. That will do the trick.

I'm having the same issue. Web tracking is turned off and it still happens. Using Safari is pretty much useless right now since I keep having to log in over and over again.

Same here... thats nervous... yes. everytime i viste a bookmrked Site i have to Login again there.. but there are several more things.. all Favicons gots deleted every time.... cookies are deleted or not i have to setWebsite-Settings every Time after Login again....

Same here. Now I tried the Safari privacy unflag.


Posted 3 years ago, I'm having this issue now. If I leave the page I have to log-in again.

I can also confirm that when you access the developer tools, Safari will hard reset any existing logins and you will be required not only to login, but reauthorize any two factor authentication you already setup. I hope Apple can fix this issue as it's extremely annoying. At least after about 18 months of having this issue, I'm glad I finally know why. I thought it was a corrupt user profile or a problem with iCloud syncing bad data from a mobile device to desktop.

I've had the same problems for a few years now, but was able to solve it last week, when I realized it was happening everytime it was happening when I would do a "quasar dev" in VSCode. I was able to fix the issue by changing 'open' to false in the devServer section in quasar.conf.js. I'm still able to debug using Safari as long as I go there manually.

devServer: {
      https: false,
      port: 8080,
      open: false, // opens browser window automatically

@fpappledeveloper - I was able to resolve the issue and you are correct. When you open the web inspector it immediately resets logins (cookies?). I resolved the issue. Here's what I tried, sorry I didn't pin down exactly what fixed it:

  • Resetting all experiments: Develop -> Experimental Features -> Reset all to defaults
  • Re-enabling Safari -> Preferences -> Privacy -> enable "Prevent cross site tracking" + enable "Allow privacy-preserving measurements of ad effectiveness" (I suspect this is the issue but not sure)
  • Disabling all content blockers on various websites (i don't think this does anything)
  • Disabling Syncing Platform Authenticator
  • Updating macOS from 12.4 to 12.5

You may need to turn off developer mode.

This is a bug and this prevents me from using safari at work as a developer. Apple, please fix it.

This is extremely frustrating. It started happening six months ago, and it is still not fixed; I'm losing all my work because the session ends on my Shopify websites; it also happens to Google accounts, like Gmail, YouTube, Google Docs, etc... I've moved away from Safari, to Google Chrome, but I hate it. The web inspector on Safari is a lot better, and as an iPhone and web developer, I need to test things with all browsers; Apple needs to fix this ASAP.

FWIW, this started happening to me today, but I found a suggestion on a Mac forum to quit Safari, then delete the ~/Library/Cookies/Cookies.binarycookies file. That seems to have fixed the issue for me. Apparently that file can be corrupted.

Nothing worked so far Safari version (???) (I expect to find the version number under Help, but there is no info).

For me, this only happens when I right-click and inspect element or view page source. I understand why Apple is doing this, I just wish we had an option to turn it off. I think they're doing this for those scammers who use remote desktop software to "modify" your online bank statement using the dev tools. Saying "the money is transferred" when it was just a source code update via the dev tools. So when this is invoked, it logs out of said bank account. I guess if there was a switch, the scammers could click it too. It's a neucanse being a dev and almost everything requiring MFA now.

same problem in 2024 Sonoma 14.3

Doing this to me anytime I inspect a website. I can't be a developer and have this behavior continue. I hate Chrome, but Apple, you're forcing me to Chrome

Safari keeps logging me out of any logged in web site after a short period. Have to constantly re-login.