usdz texture issue (using usdz_converter)

Hi all, I'm having a hard time to create .usdz file with texture using usdz_converter. The converter itself works ok and generates .usdz file, however, seems no texture maps (difuse, normal and etc.) are included in the file. (using -color_map -normal_map command).

In the thumbnail preview, .usdz file shows as white 3D model. In the AR Scanner app ( ), when I import the .usdz model it's super dark (almost black).

Has anyone successfully generated .usdz file with texture yet? I'm wondering if I'm missing anything.


I am experiencing similar thing. It might be the usdz_converter itself is still kind of buggy? Some OBJ just does not convert to proper USDZ with texture.
I did manage to export OBJ that can have the texture albedo somewhat, when I am using Blender Internal, assigning material and texture slot then export the OBJ from this BLEND.

How about you try outputting the USDA using usdz_converter, then manually modify the USDA linking the shader + texture mapping files from this USDA, before converting the USDA to USDZ.

I had a similar issue, and I was able to get it working with textures. Here is the command I used.

xcrun usdz_converter edieThepig3.OBJ EdieThePig.usdz -g piggy -color_map pigLowPoly_defaultMat_AlbedoTransparency.png -metallic_map pigLowPoly_defaultMat_Metallic.png -roughness_map pigLowPoly_defaultMat_Roughness.png -normal_map pigLowPoly_defaultMat_Normal.png

the '-g piggy' is very important. it's the group name that the textures apply to. In my case that was the name of my root node exported out of Maya. If that's wrong, or missing, or includes unsupported characters, the textures won't apply.

Here is my final usdz asset:

im dealing with a similar issue, it creats the USDZ. In the thumbnail it seems to have texture and color but when i click to load it, it wont load on my ios phone.

Thumbnails in text:

Error loading:

Itll load when it has no texture (looks grey) but the minute i add color, it wont load on my phone.

Here is the code im using:

xcrun usdz_converter Performance_Tech_Motorsport_Oreca07.obj PerfTech2.usdz -color_map v6Performance_Tech_Motorsport_Basecolor.jpg -metallic_map Performance_Tech_Motorsport_Metallic.jpg -normal_map Performance_Tech_Motorsport_Normal.jpg -emissive_map 01Performance_Tech_Motorsport_Emissive.jpg -ao_map Performance_Tech_Motorsport_AO.jpg

Make sure the size of images is not too large, I keep it 2048 x 2048.

Unfortunately at the moment, when USDZ crashes on iOS, there seems to be no crash report -- I might be wrong.

Just wondering if there are any updates here... Using the latest usdz pythong scripts (v0.61) - still experiencing the white issue.. even if I am only using diffuse texture

I'm experiencing a similar problem - the texture are attached when viewing the files in Xcode, but the model shows only in white. Any suggestions?

Maybe this helps some one… I'm constantly trouble shooting this issue. A couple of things that I noticed helped in a variety of situations.


  1. join all meshes into one
  2. delete the texture of the material and relink them to the material
  3. make sure all of the fils are the same bit depth and pixel size and format - 3 of the files (occlusion metallic and roughness) get assembled as one in the RGB channels so pixel size and bit depth may play a role.
  4. apply scale and rotation.
  5. re-export the file from which you generated the usdz. I usually have to export a glb and with that I'm able to generate a USDZ. (if anyone knows of a native blender usdz exporter that works let me know - the addon no longer works as of this post)
  6. applying the modifiers before exporting.

These are a few things I keep an eye on.

Hope this helps. If anyone has any other suggestions to this madness please share. I'm all ears.

So I'm having a similar issue, however, once I have created and exported my models as a .gltf and imported them into Reality Converter, they are converted correctly and exported correctly into .usdz files

Buuuuut! Once i create a scene in Reality Composer (Everything looks right in Reality Composer) and try to export as a .usdz file, the textures completely break, albedo, roughness and metallic...

Anyone care to share their wisdom?

Hi all, I have a requirement about converting usdz to iges file in swift app, I searched on google but didn't find any support library in this. do you know a library that supports this? Thanks all.

You'll not have much luck converting them programmatically AFAIK, but there are utilities like or that will allow you to convert to an intermediary format like .obj then take another hop to convert to .iges.

usdz texture issue (using usdz_converter)