iOS 12 beta - no SMS's sending

Can't send an SMS to a non iMessage user.

Get Failed to Send error.


This is probably a long shot but this probably won’t be fixed this week. It’s usually two weeks between the first two betas, but to fix the iMessage activation I restored my iPhone to iOS 12 by downloading it from the portal, and putting my phone in recovery mode and to Install it on he device. As for the MMS and SMS the restore didn’t fix that

Thanks for the response almand3000

I tried this and so far it's not having an impact, but I'll try this again along with signing out of iMessage, reboot, and sign back in to iMessage to see if it solves things.

Thanks for the response Brandon

After trying the previous suggestion, I'm going to give this a shot.

I'll reply with results.

After upgrade to IOS12 the regular SMS was also failing to deliver for me. Reboots and Reset networks didn't help.

Thanks to advice above, I shut-down. Removed sim, booted up without a sim. Shut-down again and re-inserted sim and booted up.

SMS's now seem to work fine, send ok and has been working for about 5 hours now.

iPhone 6S - iiNet (Optus network) Melbourne Australia.

Same issue here, I have Sprint. I cannot send SMS to a non iMessage user. My iphone 8 plus shows Unknow number on Phone settings.

I tried everything and still not fixed.

I had the same issue on iPhone X with ATT. I noticed after installing iOS 12 public beta that both my Messages and FaceTime apps were logged out. After logging back in on both apps under settings, I noticed they both only showed that I was able to be reached at my email address and my friends were only getting messages from my email address. My fix finally came after I found clicking on my Apple ID settings (the first option with your name under settings above Airplane mode), then clicking on "Names, Phone Numbers, Email", then editing the section "Reachable at" to add your phone number which will send a confirmation text, then I had to restart my phone before my phone number showed up in the FaceTime and iMessage sections to be reached at.

I’m having this on my ipad.

Same isssue on Iphone X. I'm with Fido. Since updating to iOS 12 I can send iMessages from all my devices but I can send SMS just from my phone. My watch is unable to reply to SMS messages and so is my Mac Book pro. Just updated the Mac to Mojave and still the same issue. I can't place calls or send sms trough the iPhone from the mac book or the watch.

I tried logging out of my iCloud account from all devices and back in. From Messages and FaceTime on they mac book and the phone and reconnecting. Everything seems to be set correctly.

Under my iCloud I am racheable at all my emails and my phone number does show in my iPhone X now, but I had to add it manually since it was not there anymore.Still on the mac book the phone number does not show in the preferences for Messages and FaceTime.

I just did a reboot of the iPhone X after reading the threads above and logged out of my Messages and Facetime apps on mac os and logged in again after rebootin the iPhone and finally got the message asking me to use my iPhone on the mac book.

The phone number is now visible under the "reacheable at" and messages and phone calls now work from the mac book and the watch.


Thank you @ewheeler6271 for the post above. A phone reboot is needed after adding the number for all other devices to work as they should.

Thanks. This exact process worked for me. A simple remove reboot didn’t. So it must be the boot, shutdown without the SIM in that is resetting something. Hopefully it sticks. I submitted the bug to Apple too.

I have beta 5 and am having issues with mms messages to android only phones. I can’t send a picture message. Frustrating,

iPhone 6s sms not work and imessage work only with mail....😠

General Settings Mobile Data Wi-Fi Calling : Off




I had a similar problem ...

Initially ...

- iPhone 6 - iOS 12.0.1

- 6 x iMacs - OSX 10.13.x

- 1 x MacMini 2011 - iOS 10.13.x

- 1 x Mac Mini 2014 - OSX 10.14

- 1 x iPad Pro - iOS 11.4.1

All devices synced via iCloud.

Optus network in Australia.

ALL worked perfectly for sending/receiving text messages via iMessage *and* SMS.

Recently ...

New iPhone XS Max

Restored iPhone 6 to iPhone XS Max iOS 12.0.1

Upgraded all OSX devices to 10.14

- everything still worked OK on the iPhone

- texts sent/received OK whether to/from Apple or non-Apple devices.

- everything still worked OK with Messages users, whether on iOS or OSX

- messages sent OK

- messages received OK

- messages synched OK across all iOS and OSX devices logged into my iCloud account

BUT ... texts to non-Messages users DID NOT WORK as expected :-

- on the sending device (iOS or OSX), messages were flagged as NOT DELIVERED

- the sent message did not sync across other Apple devices

However : text messages *did* arrive OK at the recipient

I spent 4 hours online with Level 4 tech support - very helpful and determined to resolve the issue.

After many tests, he eventually suggested :-

- updating to OSX 10.14.1

- logging out of my iCloud accounts on each device (and thereby deleting all my iCloud data from each device)

- re-activating iCloud on each device

- downloading all my data again.

That would take days - and I wasn't convinced it would fix anything.

But I did update each OSX device to 10.14.1.

Then I :-

- sent a text from each of my Apple devices to each of all my other Apple devices

(running multiple platforms, OS versions and network combinations)

- sent a text from each of my Apple devices (running multiple platforms, OS versions and network combinations)

to a non-Apple device (Android)

- asked the Android user to respond to each and every text (thanks Ben)

I dertermined that the problem was independent of :-

- platform

- verision of iOS

- version of OSX

- network used

The common culprit was the gateway to the SMS network - ie the iPhone.

So - I followed Rexel99's suggestion ...

1. Removed the SIM from the iPhone

2. Rebooted the (SIM-less) iPhone

3. Replaced the SIM

4. Rebooted the iPhone

That worked !!

Now everything works perfectly - just as it did before.

Thanks Rexel99
