How to know the refund amount on a cancelled subscription?


We know refunds by Apple Customer Care are rare, but we need to handle them. We also know that in order to identify a cancellation we should check the cancellation_date field on the receipt. The question we have is how we know the amount which was refunded. For example, if a user subscribes to a monthly auto-renewable subscription, they have the subscription for 2 months. Then they complain to Apple and get a refund. How do we know if the entire amount (2 months) was refunded or only the last month?

Apple's documentation states "customer support can cancel the subscription and issue a full or partial refund". How do we know if it was a full or partial? They also say "treat a canceled transaction the same as if no purchase had ever been made", but if it was a partial refund this seems to not be true.


You can assume it is a full refund of the last renewal period indicated in the receipt (not earlier subscription periods - hence "partial" may be the correct word). You can inform the user that you have done this and ask them to contact you if this is incorrect.

Thanks so much! Is there anywhere (API or Itunes Connect) to see the actual amount of money refunded in a given period? If not, how is anyone supposed to understand the amount they are being paid per month if it can have deductions for refunds.

How to know the refund amount on a cancelled subscription?