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Scan documents with the camera on iPhone and iPad devices using VisionKit.

Posts under VisionKit tag

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Vision Pro not working on railways
Hi guys, has anyone tried using Vison Pro on train? I was getting "Tracking lost" or "Tracking unavailable" message (don't remember precisely). I could not quite get even Home screen. Home screen was kind of shaky and then as train was moving the Home screen went sideways. I could not make video when looking out of the window, again the same error message. I was trying to look inside, so that there was minimal movement detected by the device, there were no people in front of me, just empty seats, so I was expecting that Vision Pro should be able to lock on the surrounding space, but without any success. I managed to start one app I work on and I started watching movie, but the screen was in place for 30 seconds or so, then started moving around a little bit and then moved sideways flew out of the window and zipped past me and stayed somewhere behind on the track. Is it possible to switch Vision Pro into a regime, where it could ignore surroundings? Not sure if perhaps Airplane mode could help, but it was very diffcult to even open home screen, settintgs or control center, then I got the error message. It should be relatively simple algorithm to detect if let's say 70% of surroundings is roughly in place and ignore moving scene (like landscape passing in the window). Apple, please could you fix it or a provide hint within "Tips" how make Vision Pro work inside moving vehicles, if this is already possible? It would be a great Vision Pro usability, if I could watch movies when traveling and then at home do something meaningful, like taking a nap. Thanks.
Mar ’24
Vision Pro - lets join forces to improve VisionOS platform
Hi guys, if you started using Vision Pro, I'm sure you already found some limitations. Let's join forces and make feature requests. When creating Feedback, request from one guy may not get any attenption from Apple, but if we join and more of us make the same request, we might just push those ideas through. Feel free to add your ideas and don't forget to create feedback: app windows can only be moved forward to a distance of about 20ft/6m. I'm pretty sure some users would like to push window as far as a few miles away and make the window large to be still legible. This would be very interesting especialy when using Environments and 360-degree view. I really want to put some apps up on the sky above the mountains and around me, even those iOS apps just made compatible with Vision Pro. when capturing screen, I always get message "Video capture not possible due to insufficient lighting". Why? I have Environment loaded and extended 360 degrees with some apps opened, so there is no need for external lighting (at least I thing it's not needed). I just want to capture what I see. Imagine creating tutorials, recording lessons for learning various subjects, etc. Actual Vision Pro user might prefer loading their on environments an setup app in spatial domain, but for those that don't have it yet or when creating videos to be available on antique 2D computer screens , it may be useful to create 2D videos this way. 3D video recording is not very good, kind of shaky, not when Vision Pro is static, but when walking and especially when turning head left/right/up/down (even relatively slowly). I think hardware should be able to capture and create nice and smooth video. It's possible that Apple just designed simple camera app and wants to give developers a chance to create a better Camera app, but it still would be nice to have something better out of the box. I would like to be able to walk through Environments. I understand safety of see-through effect, so users didn't hit any obstacles, but perhaps obstacles could be detected and when user gets to 6ft/2m from obstacle then it could present at first warning (there is already "You are close to and object" and then make surroundigns visible, but if there are no obstacles (user can be located in large space and can place a tape or a thread around the safe area), I should be able to walk around and take a look inside that crater on the Moon. We need Environments, Environments, Environments and yet more of them, I was hoping for hundreds, so we could even pick some of them and use in our apps, like games where you want to setup a specific environment. Well, that's just a beginning and I could go on and on and on, but tell me what you guys think. Regards and enjoy new virtual adventure! Robert
Mar ’24
Progressive immersive space and Digital Crown (and ARKit)
I am new to visionOS development, just slowly figuring out the difference in immersion styles to figure out how I want my app to behave. It seems that when you use a progressive immersive space the minimum immersion level (set via the digital crown) is not 0? Meaning, there is no way to go from mixed to full by using the Digital Crown. Even when I try to set it to 0 (such as in the Destination Video sample), it pops back up to around 30-40%, and I always see the background. Is this expected behavior, or are there some settings that allow me to change this minimum immersion level? Further, in the video 'Meet ARKit for spatial computing', it is stated that to get access to ARKit tracking data you must use a 'Full Space', not the 'Shared Space'. This wording is confusing to me. Is an ImmersiveSpace set to the .mixed (or .progressive) immersion style still a 'Full Space' (because it isn't in the shared space, with other apps)? OR, is ARKit only available in an ImmersiveSpace with the .full immersion style? Just feels like maybe 'full' is being used in two different ways here... Thanks in advance, -pj
Jun ’24
Visionkit can lift a subject. But the bounding rectangle is always returning x,y,width,height values as 0,0,0,0
In our app, we needed to use visionkit framework to lift up the subject from an image and crop it. Here is the piece of code: if #available(iOS 17.0, *) { let analyzer = ImageAnalyzer() let analysis = try? await analyzer.analyze(image, configuration: self.visionKitConfiguration) let interaction = ImageAnalysisInteraction() interaction.analysis = analysis interaction.preferredInteractionTypes = [.automatic] guard let subject = await interaction.subjects.first else{ return image } let s = await interaction.subjects print(s.first?.bounds) guard let cropped = try? await subject.image else { return image } return cropped } But the s.first?.bounds always returns a cgrect with all 0 values. Is there any other way to get the position of the cropped subject? I need the position in the image from where the subject was cropped. Can anyone help?
May ’24