Swift Packages

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Create reusable code, organize it in a lightweight way, and share it across Xcode projects and with other developers using Swift Packages.

Posts under Swift Packages tag

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SwiftUI previews fail with a very simple SwiftPM package
I already filed feedback FB13777941 for this, but wanted to ask if anyone has the same problem, since I can't find anything on google or SO. I created a new package in Xcode (15.3) and added this to it: import SwiftUI struct Test: View { var body: some View { Text("Hello world") } } #Preview { Test() } The package builds, tests can run. Previews don't work. This is more or less the error I get from the diagnostics button (formatted for readability): LoadingError: failed to load library at path ”PATH_TO_DERIVED_DATA/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/macos/PACKAGE_NAME/Products/Debug/PackageFrameworks/PACKAGE_NAME_63097C4A372B9C87_PackageProduct.framework/PACKAGE_NAME_63097C4A372B9C87_PackageProduct”: Optional(dlopen(PATH_TO_DERIVED_DATA/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/macos/PACKAGE_NAME/Products/Debug/PackageFrameworks/PACKAGE_NAME_63097C4A372B9C87_PackageProduct.framework/PACKAGE_NAME_63097C4A372B9C87_PackageProduct, 0x0000): tried: 'PATH_TO_DERIVED_DATA/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/macos/PACKAGE_NAME/Products/Debug/PACKAGE_NAME_63097C4A372B9C87_PackageProduct.framework/PACKAGE_NAME_63097C4A372B9C87_PackageProduct' (no such file), 'PATH_TO_DERIVED_DATA/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/macos/PACKAGE_NAME/Products/Debug/PackageFrameworks/PACKAGE_NAME_63097C4A372B9C87_PackageProduct.framework/PACKAGE_NAME_63097C4A372B9C87_PackageProduct' (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have 'arm64', need 'arm64e')), '/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OSPATH_TO_DERIVED_DATA/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/macos/PACKAGE_NAME/Products/Debug/PackageFrameworks/PACKAGE_NAME_63097C4A372B9C87_PackageProduct.framework/PACKAGE_NAME_63097C4A372B9C87_PackageProduct' (no such file), 'PATH_TO_DERIVED_DATA/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/macos/PACKAGE_NAME/Products/Debug/PackageFrameworks/PACKAGE_NAME_63097C4A372B9C87_PackageProduct.framework/PACKAGE_NAME_63097C4A372B9C87_PackageProduct' (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have 'arm64', need 'arm64e')), 'PATH_TO_DERIVED_DATA/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/macos/PACKAGE_NAME/Products/Debug/PACKAGE_NAME_63097C4A372B9C87_PackageProduct.framework/Versions/A/PACKAGE_NAME_63097C4A372B9C87_PackageProduct' (no such file), 'PATH_TO_DERIVED_DATA/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/macos/PACKAGE_NAME/Products/Debug/PackageFrameworks/PACKAGE_NAME_63097C4A372B9C87_PackageProduct.framework/Versions/A/PACKAGE_NAME_63097C4A372B9C87_PackageProduct' (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have 'arm64', need 'arm64e')), '/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OSPATH_TO_DERIVED_DATA/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/macos/PACKAGE_NAME/Products/Debug/PackageFrameworks/PACKAGE_NAME_63097C4A372B9C87_PackageProduct.framework/Versions/A/PACKAGE_NAME_63097C4A372B9C87_PackageProduct' (no such file), 'PATH_TO_DERIVED_DATA/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/macos/PACKAGE_NAME/Products/Debug/PackageFrameworks/PACKAGE_NAME_63097C4A372B9C87_PackageProduct.framework/Versions/A/PACKAGE_NAME_63097C4A372B9C87_PackageProduct' (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have 'arm64', need 'arm64e'))) I don't remember ever having this problem. The arm64 vs arm64e makes no sense to me - why would Xcode get that wrong... and only for previews? I've tried restarting, deleting derived data, the usual rain dances. Any ideas?
May ’24
XCode 15.2 - Is it possible to add a Swift Package over HTTPS from Azure Devops with a Personal Access Token?
I'm trying to add a Swift Package to my project, which is hosted on Azure Devops. I only have HTTPS access to Azure Devops, but I am able to connect with it using Git on the CLI and use my PAT in the header, etc. However, if I want to add this repo as a dependency for my project, XCode does not seem to support this. When adding the https-URL as a dependency, I get the option to authenticate using: Username / Password Github enterprise account Gitlab self-hosted Bitbucket Server I've tried all of them of course, but none of them work, either by throwing "authentication failed" issues, etc. Is it even possible to have (private) Swift Packages on an Azure Devops server and use those in XCode? Or am I forced to use local dependencies (I'd rather don't do that, because then I cannot fix them on a tag / branch / commit, etc.)? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated
May ’24
Understanding Apple’s new Privacy Manifest Rules
Greetings everyone, first of all I apologize to everyone for the long question I am going to ask, but I thought it would be better to tell you my question and what I am working on to solve it. You may have heard about Apple's new Privacy Manifest requirement for new apps to be released to the app store. After I heard about it, I made a list of all dependencies used in my project and then updated them to the versions that include the Privacy Manifest file. Since I only use UserDefaults in my project, which is one of the required reason APIs specified by Apple, I added it and my reason for using it in the Privacy Manifest file. When I released a package with this development, I received a new notification email from Apple saying that while they used to be upset with me about UserDefaults, they are no longer, so it seems that Apple has accepted my reason for using UserDefaults in the application. However, Apple was also upset about Required Reason APIs in this list that I don't actually use (e.g. SystemBootTime API, DiskSpace API, FileTimestamp API). I thought about what could be causing this. First of all, it could be that one of the dependencies I use didn't specify the Required Reason API in the Privacy Manifest file or specified it incorrectly. However, I didn't think this was likely because I'm using common dependencies (e.g. Firebase, Alamofire, Lottie, etc.) and I didn't find any issues in the repos for them. Then it occurred to me that we have a binary dependency embedded statically in the project. I looked at the repo of this dependency and in the latest versions they added the Privacy Manifest file, but they added an empty privacy manifest file. This SDK is actually a service that we bought as a company. Therefore, I don't think there will be a problem. If they don't use Required Reason API, I think it can't be the cause of the mail. Nevertheless, our Business Analysts will contact the SDK owners. Then I realized that although it is on the list of SDKs that Apple requires to include a privacy manifest, I could not update it. This is nanopb. Actually, this is not a direct dependency of mine, but it is a dependency of Firebase. Like nanopb, there are other packages that are dependent on Firebase and are listed by apple (e.g. abseil, Promises, GTMSessionFetcher etc.) These are included as SPMs in the Package.swift file of Firebase that I have added to my project, with specific version ranges. If I update it, I get the latest version of the appropriate SPM version. For example promises were added for Firebase 10.16.0 as follows. The previous version did not have the Privacy Manifest. So I updated it to 2.4.0 by doing Project Navigator > Package Dependencies > Update To Latest Package Versions on Xcode. .package( url: “https://github.com/google/promises.git”, “2.1.0” ..< “3.0.0” ), This version included the Privacy Manifest, which solved my problem. But for nanopb the situation is as follows and no version of nanopb provides Privacy Manifest. I'm not even sure if there is a version of nanopb like the one below. .package( url: “https://github.com/firebase/nanopb.git”, “2.30909.0” ..< “2.30910.0” ) When I did some research on the issue, I came across something like this. The Google developer wrote “This bug can be closed because this repo does not release a binary distro of nanopb for Apple platforms.” in response to the issue. But as a non-native English speaker, I don't understand this explanation. As a result, Apple stated in the mail that I was using these Required Reason APIs (I will give an example of the mail below). I tried to find it even though it was not the case. Three possibilities came to my mind and I thought about these possibilities. Finally, I decided to consult you What do you think is causing this (is it widely used sdk's that do not specify or incorrectly specify the reason for using required reason api's? is it static library? is it nanopb?) Is there any way to see Apple's evaluation in this notification email without releasing the package? Will I test whether I have fixed this or not by constantly releasing packages? Any comments will be very appreciated. Thank you very much in advance for all your comments and answers! Email (Consider that the equivalent exists in the SystemBootTime API and DiskSpace API below.): ITMS-91053: Missing API declaration - Your app’s code in the “MyAppName” file references one or more APIs that require reasons, including the following API categories: NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryFileTimestamp. While no action is required at this time, starting May 1, 2024, when you upload a new app or app update, you must include a NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypes array in your app’s privacy manifest to provide approved reasons for these APIs used by your app’s code. For more details about this policy, including a list of required reason APIs and approved reasons for usage, visit: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/privacy_manifest_files/describing_use_of_required_reason_api
Apr ’24
Unable to access local package stored on iCloud Drive
I have a package stored on iCloud Drive and want to list it as a dependency in another package. This worked fine when the package was stored on the Mac hard drive, but moving it to iCloud seems to cause a problem. dependencies: [ .package(url: "file:///Users/bill/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Projects/Matrix", from: "0.0.1") ], This results in an Xcode error message: x-xcode-log://812C74F5-B7CA-4E15-A87C-E6C9586B0926 /Users/bill/Library/Mobile%20Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Projects/Matrix: The source control operation failed because the specified URL cannot be used. Make sure the URL is valid and try again. Can anyone advise how to make the URL valid, or is storing the package on iCloud Drive not yet possible?
Apr ’24
Proper Way of Setting the Cross Module Optimization
Hello, I have been developing a Swift package and importing it into other projects. When I import the package into a project and check the execution times of some package functions, I notice slow execution times. However, if I add the source files of the package directly into the project and run the same test functions, then the whole module optimization achieves amazing run times, which are tens of times faster. The package heavily uses generics, and the project is a command line project. I would like to ask if there is a proper way to edit project build settings and the package.swift so that the compiler performs cross-module optimization and achieves hopefully similar run times with the whole-module optimization case. Some previous posts indicated the use of -cross-module-optimization and SWIFT_CROSS_MODULE_OPTIMIZATION, and I tried them in numerous places in the project target build settings with no success. I also added this Swift setting to the package.swift: swiftSettings: [ .unsafeFlags(["-cross-module-optimization"], .when(configuration: .release)) ] but it didn't lead to faster run times. I appreciate any comments/help. Thanks.
Apr ’24
String Catalog Package Override
I'm working on a large SDK of UI frameworks. We have hundreds of strings and an older implementation that resolves them by looking up the key in the main, then current (module) bundles. This allows clients to tailor strings and provide localisation for locales that we don't support. I want to move to String Catalogs and have a way of doing that with a similar solution using LocalizedStringResource. But this seems pointless as I would like to have client String Catalogs show all strings from dependencies (our UI frameworks). Stepping back a bit, the default API for LocalizedResources and Keys uses the main bundle and has bundle as a property but String Catalogs does not and cannot respect that (highlighted in this post). A possible Apple solution could be storing the module with the string in the String Catalog for that framework then the executable can correctly assess what strings it should include based on its dependencies String Catalogs. I am looking for a way around this? Or any suggestions? I believe it might be possible using a build tool plugin to generate the String Catalog for the clients from its dependency catalogs and this way I wouldn't need any trickery / can use the LocalizedResource API as is (main bundle).
Apr ’24
SPM dependencies disappear after build
I have an iOS (Swift/SwiftUI) project. It has several dependencies managed via SPM. When I build my project the dependencies disappear from the project navigator. I have to reset package cache to get them to return. After I build/run, they disappear again. Has anyone faced this issue? I've tried deleting derived data I've tried resetting package caches (this makes them return until the next build) I'm using the latest stable Xcode release.
Apr ’24
`xcodebuild build-for-testing` does not work when there are build plugins and multiple destinations
Hello, we recently added a build plugin to our swift package and we have a Xcode project that uses the swift package as a dependency and we build that Xcode project from the command line using xcodebuild build-for-testing. After we added that build plugin to the swift package, xcodebuild now fails and says this: If I remove that build plugin from the swift package then xcodebuild build-for-testing will build successfullly. It is also worth noting then when we run the xcodebuild build-for-testing command we pass in multiple -destination flags. If we pass one -destination flag then xcodebuild succeeds even with the build plugin. So it seems like the issue is around having multiple destination flags and a build plugin added. This sounds like a bug within xcodebuild. Any thoughts or ideas on why this isn't working would be helpful! Here is an example of what our full xcodebuild command looks like: xcodebuild build-for-testing -project “SomeProject” -scheme “SomeScheme” -configuration Debug -destination ‘SomeDestination1’ -destination ‘SomeDestination2’ -destination ‘SomeDestination3’ -disableAutomaticPackageResolution -onlyUsePackageVersionsFromResolvedFile -skipPackageUpdates -skipPackagePluginValidation -allowProvisioningUpdates DEVELOPMENT_TEAM=SomeTeam Thank you!
Apr ’24
How to change icon.
I got log that "You have changed the icon for ~", but icon was not changed. There is no error and warning. I set assets, Alternate App Icon Sets, info and checked "include all app icon assets". here is info <key>CFBundleIcons</key> <dict> <key>CFBundlePrimaryIcon</key> <dict> <key>CFBundleIconFiles</key> <array> <string>AppIcon</string> </array> <key>UIPrerenderedIcon</key> <false/> </dict> <key>CFBundleAlternateIcons</key> <dict> <key>blackCircle</key> <dict> <key>CFBundleIconFiles</key> <array> <string>blackCircle</string> </array> <key>UIPrerenderedIcon</key> <false/> </dict> </dict> </dict> blackCircle is a name of image in assets. I wrote blackCircle in Alternate App Icon Sets. I don't know what to do. I tried all I could find in website
Apr ’24
Apple Silicon - Could not find module *** for target 'x86_64-apple-ios-simulator'; found: arm64-apple-ios-simulator, at: ***
Hello, When I build an XCode project with the Apple Silicon chip, I have some issues. The project contains Pods and Swift Packages. I could not run the application at all and always got the following error: Could not find module '***' for target 'x86_64-apple-ios-simulator'; found: arm64, arm64-apple-ios-simulator, at: *** I try to resolve this issue. Always embed swift standard libraries = YES Build Active Architure Only = YES UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities = armv7 Excluded Architectures > Debug > Any iOS Simulator SDK arm64 add Open Using Rosetta Excluded Architectures > Debug > Any iOS Simulator SDK arm64 remove However, issue always come to me. :( Do you have any solution for this problem ? Thank you by advance !
Apr ’24
Passing binding variable to function with optional parameter
Hi, I have a view that takes an optional binding boolean variable. I'd like to pass a variable to it from certain views only. The problem I'm having is when I pass a variable, I get the error "Cannot convert value of type 'Binding' to expected argument type 'Binding<Bool?>'", and when I don't, I get the error "Missing argument for parameter 'toggle' in call". Below Is the code I have. Thank you. Heading(text: "Heading1") // error: Missing argument for parameter 'toggle' in call Heading(text: "Heading2", toggle: $newEntry) // Cannot convert value of type 'Binding<Bool>' to expected argument type 'Binding<Bool?>' struct Heading: View { @State var text: String @Binding var toggle: Bool? var body: some View { VStack { Spacer() .frame(height: 25) HStack { Text(text) .font(.system(size: 36)) Spacer() if text == "str" { Button(action: { toggle!.toggle() }) { Image(systemName: "plus") .foregroundColor(.black) .font(.system(size: 36)) } } } Spacer() .frame(height: 25) } } }
Apr ’24
Xcodebuild, xcframework error: Too many levels of symbolic links
I am trying to setup a Virtual Machine environment for our CI/CD and I get the following error when I try to clone the source packages of the xcodebuild command in the disk mounted by the host in the vm to use it as a cache: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=62 "Too many levels of symbolic links" This error only shows up when the path of the option "clonedSourcePackagesDirPath" is set to the disk mounted by the host. On a directory inside the vm itself it works fine. We get the error with the macos target of the Lottie.xcframework since it's the only one to use symlink. We check and there is no cycle to be found. Anyone has any idea of how to solve this issue ? Or an explanation of what's going on there ?
Apr ’24
SwiftUI needs MacOS 10.15?
Hey, I'm working on a new multi-platform application, and part of the application requires a calendar. I've created Day, Week, and Month calendar and they are all working as expected on Mac/iPhone and iPad. So I decided that I would make them a Library/Package and share with the community. I created a package project, moved all the working code into it, and then added the package into my project as a local dependency. Now I'm getting lots of errors in the package code about everything is only available in macOS 10.15. It's not the code as I know it works. I have platforms: [ .macOS(.v10_14), .iOS(.v15) ] This is my first attempt at a package. Is there something I'm not doing? Thanks, Mark
Apr ’24
OrderedDictionary encode issue
Hi all, Here I want to encode OrderedDictionary to JSON file, I use the JSONEncoder below: let encoder = JSONEncoder() encoder.outputFormatting = [.prettyPrinted, .withoutEscapingSlashes] and I declare variables qwe, asd and zxc: var qwe = OrderedDictionary<String, Int>() qwe["bbb"] = 12 qwe["ccc"] = 13 qwe["ddd"] = 14 qwe["bbc"] = 15 var asd = Dictionary<String, Int>() asd["bbb"] = 1 asd["ccc"] = 3 asd["ddd"] = 4 asd["bbc"] = 5 var zxc: KeyValuePairs<String, String> { return [ "zz": "zz", "aa": "aa", "bb": "bb", "cc": "cc", "bc": "bc", ] } After I do try encoder.encode(qwe).write(to: path ,options: .atomic) encoder.encode(asd).write(to: path ,options: .atomic) encoder.encode(zxc).write(to: path ,options: .atomic) the output JSON file format of OrderedDictionary isn't what I expected. The output JSON of OrderDictionary is like this: [ "bbb", 12, "ccc", 13, "ddd", 14, "bbc", 15 ] On the other hand, the output JSON of Dictionary and KeyValuePairs are normal, just with different order: Dictonary: { "ccc" : 3, "bbb" : 1, "bbc" : 5, "ddd" : 4 } KeyValuePairs: { "cc" : "cc", "aa" : "aa", "zz" : "zz", "bb" : "bb", "bc" : "bc" } I also Log these objects after I declare them, the Log show their structure are similar: qwe -> ["bbb": 12, "ccc": 13, "ddd": 14, "bbc": 15] asd -> ["ccc": 3, "bbb": 1, "bbc": 5, "ddd": 4] zxc -> ["zz": "zz", "aa": A"aa", "bb": "bb", "cc": "cc", "bc": "bc"] I thought the OrderedDictionary is similar to Dictionary, but does anyone know why the output of OrderedDictionary is not like this: {"bbb": 12, "ccc": 13, "ddd": 14, "bbc": 15} Or is there any other way I can customize the order of keys in my encoded JSON file? Thank you so much!
Apr ’24
FocusedValue not visible in buttons inside a Menu in iOS but works fine in macOS
I'm working on a multi-platform app. I started with a macOS target so I already had functioning buttons using focused values in menus by the time I started working on the iOS target. But in iOS, the buttons that have focus values in them are not working. I narrowed the issue down to the buttons wrapped in the Menu { } view. My workaround has been to swap out focused values for environment values using a platform check #if os(macOS) ... #endif but I was just wondering if this is expected behaviour? I've googled for days and can't find any answers. I setup a simple demo on GitHub . The plus in the toolbar works but the same button in the menu doesn't.
Apr ’24