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Create parametric 3D scans of rooms and room-defining objects.

Posts under RoomPlan tag

89 Posts
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Adding an object to RoomPlan
A feature of my app I am in need of is to allow users to go through their room and mark specific positions, then be able to navigate these positions with a floor plan like a map. Think google maps but for your room, showing the user's position. I know it is possible to make a floor plan with RoomPlan, which could act as a map, but would it be possible after the plan is made to track a user's location in the room and show it? Is this too complex for RoomPlan? And if so how would I tackle this problem?
Jul ’23
"codeModel" is leaked when transforming `CapturedStructure` into JSON.
So, I have been playing with the new version of RoomPlan (it is pretty awesome!). However, I found this bug... or, I think it is a bug: When I get the JSON, I get the following field, for each room: { "rooms": [ { "story": 1, "floors": [ ... ], "coreModel": "xPNhmdphlnynwusRL92NgUYKht... ... ... This is kind of annoting, as this is quite a big field. With the coreModel, the file is 828kB. When I remove it, it is 267kB.
Jul ’23
iOS17 : RoomPlan CaptureSession , Symbol not found
Our app is available in the App Store and it's working well on ios16 devices. A few days ago, we noticed in Organizer weird bugs coming from ios17, with the only hint "NO_CRASH_STACK". After installing ios17 on an iPhone, we were able to reproduce the crash directly at launch, but only when the app is downloaded from the appstore (no crash when the app is installed with Xcode 15 beta) "type": "EXC_CRASH", "signal": "SIGABRT" }, "termination": { "code": 4, "flags": 518, "namespace": "DYLD", "indicator": "Symbol missing", "details": [ "(terminated at launch; ignore backtrace)" ], "reasons": [ "Symbol not found: _$s8RoomPlan0A14CaptureSessionCACycfc", "Referenced from: <XXXX----XXXXXXX> /Volumes/VOLUME//.app/", "Expected in: <XXXX--**-XXXXX-XXXXXXX> /System/Library/Frameworks/RoomPlan.framework/RoomPlan" ] Does Anybody else encounter this issue? What should we do to solve this? thanks!
Oct ’23