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Render graphics in a standard Metal view, load textures from many sources, and work efficiently with models provided by Model I/O using MetalKit.

Posts under MetalKit tag

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Updating to Metal 3
I've been asked to update our app from the current metal code to Metal 3, and one of the concerns is whether we have to worry about any changed or deprecated features. Is there a way to confirm that our app won't behave differently now that it's under Metal 3? I am able to compile the iOS app targeting iOS 16, and shaders and pipelines are working as expected, is that proof enough that we are good to go? I don't see any version declarations or import dependencies to specific metal versions (ie. like in openGL where you would declare the shader version with #version 150 or something)...
Jan ’24
App renders as a black on screen
Hello, I am creating an application that is cross-platform with Flutter, the problem is that when I launch my application on my Macbook there is only a black page displayed. This is a recurring problem with all Flutter applications on this Mac. When I debug my application, this is what appears in the console. Error submitting command buffer. 2023-12-27 15:58:12.468 tranzic[2333:21044] Error Domain=MTLCommandBufferErrorDomain Code=4 "Ignored (for causing prior/excessive GPU errors) (00000004:kIOAccelCommandBufferCallbackErrorSubmissionsIgnored)" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Ignored (for causing prior/excessive GPU errors) (00000004:kIOAccelCommandBufferCallbackErrorSubmissionsIgnored), MTLCommandBufferEncoderInfoErrorKey=( "<errorState: MTLCommandEncoderErrorStatePending, label: (null), debugSignposts: (null)>", "<errorState: MTLCommandEncoderErrorStatePending, label: (null), debugSignposts: (null)>", "<errorState: MTLCommandEncoderErrorStatePending, label: (null), debugSignposts: (null)>" )} Error submitting command buffer. 2023-12-27 15:58:18.455 tranzic[2333:21044] Error Domain=MTLCommandBufferErrorDomain Code=4 "Ignored (for causing prior/excessive GPU errors) (00000004:kIOAccelCommandBufferCallbackErrorSubmissionsIgnored)" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Ignored (for causing prior/excessive GPU errors) (00000004:kIOAccelCommandBufferCallbackErrorSubmissionsIgnored), MTLCommandBufferEncoderInfoErrorKey=( "<errorState: MTLCommandEncoderErrorStatePending, label: (null), debugSignposts: (null)>", "<errorState: MTLCommandEncoderErrorStatePending, label: (null), debugSignposts: (null)>", "<errorState: MTLCommandEncoderErrorStatePending, label: (null), debugSignposts: (null)>" )} I have a Macbook Pro mid-2012 running macOS Monterey and here's an issue I opened on the flutter repo for more details.
Dec ’23
Usage of Touch Gesture to acquire DepthData of a specific point using LiDAR
Hello! The Aim of my project is as specified in the title and the code I am currently trying to modify uses CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress to acquire the DepthData using LiDAR. For some context, I made use of the available "Capturing depth using the LiDAR camera" Documentation using AVFoundation and edited code after referring a few Q&A on Developer Forums. I have a few doubts and would be grateful if I could get insights or a push in the right direction. Regarding the LiDAR DepthData: Where is the Origin(0,0) and In what order is it saved? (Basically, how do the row and column correspond to the real world scenario) How do I add a touch gesture to fill in the values of X&Y for "distanceAtXYPoint" so that I can acquire the Depth data on user touch input rather than in real-time. The function for reference : //new function to show the depth data value in meters func depthDataOutput(syncedDepthData: AVCaptureSynchronizedDepthData) { let depthData = syncedDepthData.depthData.converting(toDepthDataType: kCVPixelFormatType_DepthFloat16) let depthMapWidth = CVPixelBufferGetWidthOfPlane(depthData.depthDataMap, 0) let depthMapHeight = CVPixelBufferGetHeightOfPlane(depthData.depthDataMap, 0) CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(depthData.depthDataMap, .readOnly) if let rowData = CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(depthData.depthDataMap)?.assumingMemoryBound(to: Float16.self) { //need to find a way to get the specific depthpoint (using row data) on touch gesture. //currently use the depth point when row&column = 0 let depthPoint = rowData[0] for y in 0...depthMapHeight-1 { var distancesLine = [Float16]() for x in 0...depthMapWidth-1 { let distanceAtXYPoint = rowData[y * depthMapWidth + x] } } print("⭐️Depth value of (0,0) point in meters: \(depthPoint)") } CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress(depthData.depthDataMap, .readOnly) } The current real-time console log output is as shown below Also a slight concern is that the current output at (0,0) shows a value greater than 1m at times even when the real distance is probably a few cm. Any experience and countermeasures on this also would be greatly helpful. Thanks in advance.
Dec ’23
MTLTexture streaming to app directory
For better memory usage when working with MTLTextures (editing + displaying in render passes, compute shaders, etc.) is it possible to save the texture to the app's Documents folder, and then use an UnsafeMutablePointer to access/modify the contents of the texture before displaying in a render pass? And would this be performant (i.e 60fps)? That way the texture won't be directly in memory all the time, but the contents can still be edited and displayed when needed.
Nov ’23
AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer vs CAMetalLayer for displaying HDR
I have been using MTKView to display CVPixelBuffer from the camera. I use so many options to configure color space of the MTKView/CAMetalLayer that may be needed to tonemap content to the display (CAEDRMetadata for instance). If however I use AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer, there are not many configuration options for color matching. I believe AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer uses pixel buffer attachments to determine the native color space of the input image and does the tone mapping automatically. Does AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer have any limitations compared to MTKView, or both can be used without any compromise on functionality?
Nov ’23
Correctly process HDR in Metal Core Image Kernels (& Metal)
I am trying to carefully process HDR pixel buffers (10-bit YCbCr buffers) from the camera. I have watched all WWDC videos on this topic but have some doubts expressed below. Q. What assumptions are safe to make about sample values in Metal Core Image Kernels? Are the sample values received in Metal Core Image kernel linear or gamma corrected? Or does that depend on workingColorSpace property, or the input image that is supplied (though imageByMatchingToColorSpace() API, etc.)? And what could be the max and min values of these samples in either case? I see that setting workingColorSpace to NSNull() in context creation options will guarantee receiving the samples as is and normalised to [0-1]. But then it's possible the values are non-linear gamma corrected, and extracting linear values would involve writing conversion functions in the shader. In short, how do you safely process HDR pixel buffers received from the camera (which are in YCrCr420_10bit, which I believe have gamma correction applied, so Y in YCbCr is actually Y'. Can AVFoundation team clarify this?) ?
Nov ’23
Metal Core Image kernel workingColorSpace
I understand that by default, Core image uses extended linear sRGB as default working color space for executing kernels. This means that the color values received (or sampled from sampler) in the Metal Core Image kernel are linear values without gamma correction applied. But if we disable color management by setting let options:[CIContextOption:Any] = [CIContextOption.workingColorSpace:NSNull()]; do we receive color values as it exists in the input texture (which may have gamma correction already applied)? In other words, the color values received in the kernel are gamma corrected and we need to manually convert them to linear values in the Metal kernel if required?
Nov ’23
Processing YCbCr422 10-bit HDR pixel buffers with Metal
I am currently using CoreImage to process YCbCr422/420 10-bit pixel buffers but it is lacking performance at high frame rates so I decided to switch to Metal. But with Metal I am getting even worse performance. I am loading both the Luma (Y) and Chroma (CbCr) textures in 16-bit format as follows: let pixelFormatY = MTLPixelFormat.r16Unorm let pixelFormatUV = MTLPixelFormat.rg16Unorm renderPassDescriptorY!.colorAttachments[0].texture = texture; renderPassDescriptorY!.colorAttachments[0].loadAction = .clear; renderPassDescriptorY!.colorAttachments[0].clearColor = MTLClearColor(red: 0.0, green: 0.0, blue: 0.0, alpha: 1.0) renderPassDescriptorY!.colorAttachments[0].storeAction = .store; renderPassDescriptorCbCr!.colorAttachments[0].texture = texture; renderPassDescriptorCbCr!.colorAttachments[0].loadAction = .clear; renderPassDescriptorCbCr!.colorAttachments[0].clearColor = MTLClearColor(red: 0.0, green: 0.0, blue: 0.0, alpha: 1.0) renderPassDescriptorCbCr!.colorAttachments[0].storeAction = .store; // Vertices and texture coordinates for Metal shader let vertices:[AAPLVertex] = [AAPLVertex(position: vector_float2(-1.0, -1.0), texCoord: vector_float2( 0.0 , 1.0)), AAPLVertex(position: vector_float2(1.0, -1.0), texCoord: vector_float2( 1.0, 1.0)), AAPLVertex(position: vector_float2(-1.0, 1.0), texCoord: vector_float2( 0.0, 0.0)), AAPLVertex(position: vector_float2(1.0, 1.0), texCoord: vector_float2( 1.0, 0.0)) ] let commandBuffer = commandQueue!.makeCommandBuffer() if let commandBuffer = commandBuffer { let renderEncoderY = commandBuffer.makeRenderCommandEncoder(descriptor: renderPassDescriptorY!) renderEncoderY?.setRenderPipelineState(pipelineStateY!) renderEncoderY?.setVertexBytes(vertices, length: vertices.count * MemoryLayout<AAPLVertex>.stride, index: 0) renderEncoderY?.setFragmentTexture(CVMetalTextureGetTexture(lumaTexture!), index: 0) renderEncoderY?.setViewport(MTLViewport(originX: 0, originY: 0, width: Double(dstWidthY), height: Double(dstHeightY), znear: 0, zfar: 1)) renderEncoderY?.drawPrimitives(type: .triangleStrip, vertexStart: 0, vertexCount: 4, instanceCount: 1) renderEncoderY?.endEncoding() let renderEncoderCbCr = commandBuffer.makeRenderCommandEncoder(descriptor: renderPassDescriptorCbCr!) renderEncoderCbCr?.setRenderPipelineState(pipelineStateCbCr!) renderEncoderCbCr?.setVertexBytes(vertices, length: vertices.count * MemoryLayout<AAPLVertex>.stride, index: 0) renderEncoderCbCr?.setFragmentTexture(CVMetalTextureGetTexture(chromaTexture!), index: 0) renderEncoderCbCr?.setViewport(MTLViewport(originX: 0, originY: 0, width: Double(dstWidthUV), height: Double(dstHeightUV), znear: 0, zfar: 1)) renderEncoderCbCr?.drawPrimitives(type: .triangleStrip, vertexStart: 0, vertexCount: 4, instanceCount: 1) renderEncoderCbCr?.endEncoding() commandBuffer.commit() } And here is shader code: vertex MappedVertex vertexShaderYCbCrPassthru ( constant Vertex *vertices [[ buffer(0) ]], unsigned int vertexId [[vertex_id]] ) { MappedVertex out; Vertex v = vertices[vertexId]; out.renderedCoordinate = float4(v.position, 0.0, 1.0); out.textureCoordinate = v.texCoord; return out; } fragment half fragmentShaderYPassthru ( MappedVertex in [[ stage_in ]], texture2d<float, access::sample> textureY [[ texture(0) ]] ) { constexpr sampler s(s_address::clamp_to_edge, t_address::clamp_to_edge, min_filter::linear, mag_filter::linear); float Y = float(textureY.sample(s, in.textureCoordinate).r); return half(Y); } fragment half2 fragmentShaderCbCrPassthru ( MappedVertex in [[ stage_in ]], texture2d<float, access::sample> textureCbCr [[ texture(0) ]] ) { constexpr sampler s(s_address::clamp_to_edge, t_address::clamp_to_edge, min_filter::linear, mag_filter::linear); float2 CbCr = float2(textureCbCr.sample(s, in.textureCoordinate).rg); return half2(CbCr); } Is there anything fundamentally wrong in the code that makes it slow?
Oct ’23
MouseDown location from MTKView wrapped NSVieRepresentable
Hi Devs, Anyone know how to get the local mouse click position of a UIKit view that is wrapped in a NSViewRepresentable and drawn using SwiftUI. No matter what I do it always returns the entire window view, and I am after the location relative to the MTKView. I am overriding the MTKView's, mouseDown function, and wanting to get the local position from the mouseDown event. using self.convert(event.locationInWindow, to:self), returns the same position as event.locationInWindow The reason I need the local position inside the MTKView, is I will be sampling an idBuffer at that point. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks Simon
Oct ’23
Xcode SceneKit Scene Editor (and GKEntity)
Hello, I've got a question about the Xcode Scene Editor. That is the SceneKit one NOT SpriteKit. According to this documentation: the entity property of a node serialised via the Xcode's scene editor can be set. While the Xcode's SpriteKit Scene Editor has this option I cannot find anything similar in the SceneKit editor. So my question is do *.scn files produced from Xcode contain GameplayKit information such as a GKEntity graph or only SCNNode data? Do I have to parse the scene and programatically create GKEntities? If that is the case there must be an error in the documentation. Thank you!
Oct ’23
MTKView not rendering in the right coordinates
I'm developing a drawing app. I use MTKView to render the canvas. But for some reason and for only a few users, the pixels are not rendered correctly (pixels have different sizes), the majority of users have no problem with this. Here is my setup: Each pixel is rendered as 2 triangles MTKView's frame dimensions are always multiple of the canvas size (a 100x100 canvas will have the frame size of 100x100, 200x200, and so on) There is a grid to indicate pixels (it's an SwiftUI Path) which display correctly, and we can see that they don't align with the pixels). There is also a checkerboard pattern in the background rendered using another MTKView which lines up with the pixels but not the grid. Previously, I had a similar issue when my view's frame is not a multiple of the canvas size, but I fixed that with the setup above already. The issue worsens when the number of points representing a pixel of the canvas becomes smaller. E.g. a 100x100 canvas on a 100x100 view is worse than a 100x100 canvas on a 500x500 view The vertices have accurate coordinates, this is a rendering issue. As you can see in the picture, some pixels are bigger than others. I tried changing the contentScaleFactor to 1, 2, and 3 but none seems to solve the problem. My MTKView setup: clearColor = MTLClearColor(red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 0) delegate = renderer renderer.setup() isOpaque = false layer.magnificationFilter = .nearest layer.minificationFilter = .nearest Renderer's setup: let pipelineDescriptor = MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor() pipelineDescriptor.vertexFunction = vertexFunction pipelineDescriptor.fragmentFunction = fragmentFunction pipelineDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].pixelFormat = .bgra8Unorm pipelineState = try? device.makeRenderPipelineState(descriptor: pipelineDescriptor) Draw method of renderer: commandEncoder.setRenderPipelineState(pipelineState) commandEncoder.setVertexBuffer(vertexBuffer, offset: 0, index: 0) commandEncoder.setVertexBuffer(colorBuffer, offset: 0, index: 1) commandEncoder.drawIndexedPrimitives( type: .triangle, indexCount: indexCount, indexType: .uint32, indexBuffer: indexBuffer, indexBufferOffset: 0 ) commandEncoder.endEncoding() commandBuffer.present(drawable) commandBuffer.commit() Metal file: struct VertexOut { float4 position [[ position ]]; half4 color; }; vertex VertexOut frame_vertex(constant const float2* vertices [[ buffer(0) ]], constant const half4* colors [[ buffer(1) ]], uint v_id [[ vertex_id ]]) { VertexOut out; out.position = float4(vertices[v_id], 0, 1); out.color = colors[v_id / 4]; return out; } fragment half4 frame_fragment(VertexOut v [[ stage_in ]]) { half alpha = v.color.a; return half4(v.color.r * alpha, v.color.g * alpha, v.color.b * alpha, v.color.a); }
Oct ’23
How to use the new AppleTextureConverter library?
The release notes for Xcode 14 mention a new AppleTextureConverter library. TextureConverter 2.0 adds support for decompressing textures, advanced texture error metrics, and support for reading and writing KTX2 files. The new AppleTextureConverter library makes TextureConverter available for integration into third-party engines and tools. (82244472) Does anyone know how to include this library into a project and use it at runtime?
Oct ’23
Does ModelIO export materials to USD?
I've got the following code to generate an MDLMaterial from my own material data model: public extension MaterialModel { var mdlMaterial: MDLMaterial { let f = MDLPhysicallyPlausibleScatteringFunction() f.metallic.floatValue = metallic f.baseColor.color = CGColor(red: CGFloat(color.x), green: CGFloat(color.y), blue: CGFloat(color.z), alpha: 1.0) f.roughness.floatValue = roughness return MDLMaterial(name: name, scatteringFunction: f) } } When exporting to OBJ, I get the expected material properties: # Apple ModelI/O MTL File: testExport.mtl newmtl material_1 Kd 0.163277 0.0344635 0.229603 Ka 0 0 0 Ks 0 ao 0 subsurface 0 metallic 0 specularTint 0 roughness 0 anisotropicRotation 0 sheen 0.05 sheenTint 0 clearCoat 0 clearCoatGloss 0 newmtl material_2 Kd 0.814449 0.227477 0.124541 Ka 0 0 0 Ks 0 ao 0 subsurface 0 metallic 0 specularTint 0 roughness 1 anisotropicRotation 0 sheen 0.05 sheenTint 0 clearCoat 0 clearCoatGloss 0 However when exporting USD I just get: #usda 1.0 ( defaultPrim = "_0" endTimeCode = 0 startTimeCode = 0 timeCodesPerSecond = 60 upAxis = "Y" ) def Xform "Obj0" { def Mesh "_" { uniform bool doubleSided = 0 float3[] extent = [(896, 896, 896), (1152, 1152, 1148.3729)] int[] faceVertexCounts = ... int[] faceVertexIndices = ... point3f[] points = ... } def Mesh "_0" { uniform bool doubleSided = 0 float3[] extent = [(898.3113, 896.921, 1014.4961), (1082.166, 1146.7178, 1152)] int[] faceVertexCounts = ... int[] faceVertexIndices = ... point3f[] points = ... matrix4d xformOp:transform = ( (1, 0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0, 1) ) uniform token[] xformOpOrder = ["xformOp:transform"] } } There aren't any material properties. FWIW, this specifies a set of common material parameters for USD: (Note: there is no tag for ModelIO, so using SceneKit, etc.)
Sep ’23
metal encoder dispatch based on value of an atomic counter
I'm trying to find a way to reduce synchronization time between two compute shader calls, where one dispatch depends on an atomic counter from the other. Example: If I have two metal kernels, select and execute, select is looking through the numbers-buffer and stores the index of all numbers < 10 in a new buffer selectedNumberIndices by using an atomic counter. execute is then run counter number of times do do something with those selected indices. kernel void select (device atomic_uint &counter, device uint *numbers, device uint *selectedNumberIndices, uint id [[thread_position_in_grid]]) { if(numbers[id] < 10) { uint idx = atomic_fetch_add_explicit(&counter, 1, memory_order_relaxed); selectedNumbers[idx] = id; } } kernel void execute (device uint *selectedNumberIndices, uint id [[thread_position_in_grid]]) { // do something #counter number of times } currently I can do this by using .waitUntilCompleted() between the dispatches to ensure I get accurate results, something like: // select buffer = queue.makeCommandBuffer()! encoder = buffer.makeComputeCommandEncoder()! encoder.setComputePipelineState(selectState) encoder.setBuffer(counterBuffer, offset: 0, index: 0) encoder.setBuffer(numbersBuffer, offset: 0, index: 1) encoder.setBuffer(selectedNumberIndicesBuffer, index: 2) encoder.dispatchThreads(.init(width: Int(numbersCount), height: 1, depth: 1), threadsPerThreadgroup: .init(width: selectState.threadExecutionWidth, height: 1, depth: 1)) encoder.endEncoding() buffer.commit() // wait buffer.waitUntilCompleted() // execute buffer = queue.makeCommandBuffer()! encoder = buffer.makeComputeCommandEncoder()! encoder.setComputePipelineState(executeState) encoder.setBuffer(selectedNumberIndicesBuffer, index: 0) var counterValue: uint = 0 // extract the value of the atomic counter counterBuffer.contents().copyBytes(to: &counterValue, count: MemoryLayout<UInt32>.stride) encoder.dispatchThreads(.init(width: Int(counterValue), height: 1, depth: 1), threadsPerThreadgroup: .init(width: executeState.threadExecutionWidth, height: 1, depth: 1)) encoder.endEncoding() buffer.commit() My question is if there is any way I can have this same functionality without the costly buffer.waitUntilCompleted() call? Or am I going about this in completely the wrong way, or missing something else?
Aug ’23