Group Activities

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Integrate your app into FaceTime to share its contents with groups of people.

Posts under Group Activities tag

27 Posts
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How to get GroupSessionJournal API to work?
Hi there, I'm wondering how to get GroupSessionJournal API to work. I have gone through the "Share files with SharePlay" session WWDC23 and have been unsuccessful at getting the DrawTogether example app to work with syncing the images using the GroupSessionJournal as described and shown in the session. When I run the DrawTogether example app with the GroupSessionJournal code in it, I can get the two devices to see one another and the strokes will update across both devices in realtime (they are using GroupSessionMessenger) but the image code doesn't cause images loaded on either side to sync to the other device. Is the GroupSessionJournal still in beta - and/or I'm missing something? Cheers! j*
Sep ’23
Has anyone figured out how to use the "bump" gesture for airdrop or shareplay?
According to the keynote: "And we're also using this same gesture to make it easier than ever to AirDrop content, and even kick off shared experiences" also in this wwdc session 06:58, it showed that you can start a shareplay session by just bumping. There's no mention of this in the API, how does one do this?
Aug ’23
Testing SharePlay on Simulator for Vision
Hello, is anyone aware if or how it is possible to test apps that use SharePlay for vision os for each devices perspective that is participating? I tried to make two simulator sessions signed into two different IDs invite each other to a session but that is not working. Im trying to see the "Happy Beam" demo in action between two devices. Is there something I'm missing? Thanks
Jul ’23