CloudKit Console

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Monitor and manage the CloudKit database containers used by your apps.

Posts under CloudKit Console tag

28 Posts
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Zombie CKQuerySubscription
I am converting my subscriptions to shouldBadge=NO; and adding silent notifications to implement my own badge count incrementation now that setApplicationIconBadgeNumber: doesn't work. (see [] The problem is that I still have subscriptions with shouldBadge=YES; triggering. I cannot delete those subscriptions because they do not appear in a fetchAllSubscriptionsWithCompletionHandler: . I think I may have deleted the subscriptions from the Development and Production environments on the dashboard and that is why they do not appear in the fetch. But they still exist and are firing over and over again - and setting the badge. Does anyone know how to delete a subscription that can't be fetched?
Sep ’24
"Internal Error" in CloudKit Dashboard
Hi, I'm getting an "Internal Error" in the CloudKit Dashboard for my user. This happens for the Private database across all of my apps, and in both Development and Production environments. (Screenshot attached). If I login as a different user via the 'Act as iCloud Account' function, everything works fine - it seems to be an issue with my own user account. In the JavaScript console, I see "Known response error: The request has failed due to an error.", but no other details (Screenshot attached) I can see these failures in the Logs tag, showing as 'INTERNAL_ERROR' (another Screenshot) It appears that the data on my account is currently not sync'ing to CloudKit, although I haven't found any other errors from within the app claiming that there is an issue (using the CoreData+CloudKit integration). I'm assuming my in-app errors and my dashboard errors are related, although it's difficult to say without more information on what these errors actually are.
Aug ’24
Adding indexes more difficult with updated cloudkit console
Can the cloudkit console team please look into managing indexes with their updated cloudkit console tool? Working with Record indexes used to be straightforward but it has now become cumbersome and unintuitive. For example, why does the tool force you to fill in some name field if adding a queryable index for recordName? Why can't you create several index types at once for a given field? It is possible to manage schemas in some other ways but for small changes the console used to be handy. It's now become a pain. Thanks!
Jul ’24
Deleting CloudKit data
I have been testing an app which uses cloudKit with SWIFTDATA and after testing for several months my 200GB iCloud store is showing 168GB for iCloud Drive. Now my iCloud drive is only 22.6GB so the rest of the 168GB must be data from my app. Also, I have function in my app to delete all iCloud Data which I thought that should clean up iCloud storage but it does not. I tried resetting the Develop Environment but no change to iCloud data. Also I have several other containers in iCloud created while getting iCloud working which I would like to delete but I understand you can’t. Bottom line cloudkit console has been pretty much useless for me and I need a way to manage (delete containers and data). Am I missing something?
Jun ’24
CloudKit database - 500 Internal error
As of yesterday all queries my app makes to the CloudKit database, and requests via the CloudKit console result in 500 internal errors. We have made no changes to the database or app that could have caused this. The status page for CloudKit database is green. Here is a response from the CloudKit console: {code: 500, message: "internal-error", reason: "Internal error", detailedMessage: undefined, requestUuid: "808955a2-e564-459e-ba9b-1101917ce1a4"}
May ’24
ios push notification not received after getting out of airplane mode
I'm sending a push notification using Noticed Gem during the night when my phone is in airplane mode. When I wake up and disable the airplane mode, I don't get the push notification. These are the settings: ` def ios_format(apn) apn.custom_payload = { universal_link: url } apn.alert = { title: title(recipient), body: message(recipient) } apn.sound = 'default' apn.priority = '10' # Send immediately, bypassing the end ` default expiration is supposed to be 30 days. How can I debug/fix the problem? (with noticed gem) I checked Apple consoleKIT, and I don't see discarded notifications. Thanks
May ’24