Apple Business Manager

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Offer custom apps to organizations. Manage your organization's devices, apps, and accounts.

Posts under Apple Business Manager tag

85 Posts
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Publishing the same private app multiple times
Hello, The situation is as follows: We have multiple clients that would be using the same app (possibly with different branding) and let their employees download it. We are the owners of the app, the clients are just using it, so it has to be published under our account. I understand it is not allowed to have the same or similar app published multiple times but does that also apply for private apps for businesses? The reason we need this approach is because the backend of the app is deployed on-premise and different clients have different release lifecycles. Thank you in advance!
Jun ’23
Deploying B2B apps through MDM
We're looking at ways to distribute an app to our clients. Its a business to business app. For various reasons we'd like to avoid the Apple Business Manager if possible and distributing B2B apps with enterprise is against Apples policies. We were informed by one of our clients that its possible to distribute the app by signing it with a developer distribution cert (non-enterprise) and just pushing the ipa through an MDM. Is this possible and if so what's needed to accomplish this? If it's not possible are there any other options other than the ABM?
Jun ’23
Apple Developer Program Renewal
Hello, This is my first year to renew apple developer program but I don't know how to do from Macbook Air laptop. As I don't have latest iphone and ipad devices. So Can I renew my Apple Developer Program from Macbook Air? And Can I pay from my Credit Card? I am from INDIA and I can't see Credit Card option to renewal. For more information I attached screenshots. I already contacted to Apple Support and they not allow to renew account from laptop/desktop. Except iPhone and iPads. So can anybody help me? Thank you!
Jun ’23
New documentation for advances in declarative device management introduced in WWDC 2023 is not available
We are unable to find the documentation for DDM in Managing apps. We searched the Apple Documentation for the newly introduced API and declarations announced (which are given below) but we could not find any results on this. Documentation for New Apps and Books for Organizations API that replaces ContentMetaData API Documentation for "" DDM Configuration Documentation for "app.managed.list" DDM status The documentation has not been updated with these cases. Kindly help us on this.
Jun ’23
User Enrollment profiles and ABM/device regions
Is there any documentation on where exactly region restrictions are defined/applied when doing User Enrollment (with Managed Apple IDs from ABM) for BYOD devices? In our case, it seems like it is not possible to enroll a user profile with Managed Apple ID from .dk ABM account to any device that is outside Denmark. There are no issues enrolling devices bought in Denmark and currently in Denmark. In all other cases profile installation fails with "Profile could not be installed". Changing region on the device has no effect as well. There are no mentions of such restrictions both in User Enrollment nor ABM documentation.
Jun ’23