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AdAttributionKit lets advertisers measure the success of their advertising across multiple channels — all in a way that preserves user privacy.

Posts under AdAttributionKit tag

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2.1 我们无法找到 App Tracking Transparency 权限请求 & 4.1 Design Copycat Rejection
我的游戏,自己开发完成,且已经在谷歌上线2年多.上次更新完初级包,这次更新就一直被拒绝 2.1 我们无法找到 App Tracking Transparency 权限请求 4.1模仿设计 给拒绝. 我已经提交了我的谷歌平台的地址,同时也在商品详情中声明了关于IOSApp的信息. 同时2.1 关于这个的请求,我也提交操作说明了.不知道你们如果判断,请帮助我完成提交更新
Advertising supported apps
Apple is pushing to use AdAttributionKit, but when I look at various ad networks, their sample code isn't using it. I'd like to find a simple example using a banner add and a third party ad network like admob. Also, I'm not clear on what post backs really do, or if I need them at all. If anyone can point me to clear documentation that is up to date, that would be great!
Dec ’24
Updating SKAdNetwork Certificates for AdAttributionKit Compatibility
We are trying to test AdAttributionKit integration and receive a postback in the testing environment with our existing SKAdNetwork identifier and SKAdNetwork certificates, that we had received after registering SKAdNetwork profile via an e-mail. The issue is that existing certificates were generated by Apple with prime192v1 algorithm, which is not supported by JWT, when we try to create token to sign AdAttribution impression. We have generated the updated private and public keys according to the documentation Is it possible to update our existing SKAdNetwork certificates to the new AdAttributionKit certificates? Or do we need to do something else in order to make our SKAdNetwork certificates work with AdAttributionKit?
Oct ’24
AdAttributionKit Development Testing problem
Hello. I would like to ask for an assistance with testing AdAttributionKit flow that seems not working. Goal: to close the AdAttributionKit logic flow loop starting from presenting and handling Ad in a publisher app and ending with receiving a postback request on my end point. Problem: No postback request is received on my configured domain. It looks like AdAttributionKit cannot connect between AppImpression invocation in Publisher App and updating postback from the Advertised App, hence no update postback request are transmitted to my endpoint. What was done: Testing device iPhone 13, iOS 18.0.1 Production Apple ID AdAttributionKit Developer Mode is enabled iPhone is reset and restarted Publisher App Test publisher application was created and configured (according to Apple's documentation []) with the following: AdNetworkIdentifiers item was added to app's Info.plist with number of Ad Network IDs. I tried to use in my tests (used below insted of the placeholder): Registered SKAdNetwork Ad Network ID that ends with .skadnetwork Not registered Ad Network ID that ends with .adattributionkit JWS Impression was created with the following JWS Header: {"kid" : "","alg" : "ES256"} JWS Payload: {"impression-type" : "app-impression","impression-identifier" : "9547875E-C052-44CD-8CB9-193978CC5AB7", "timestamp" : 1729162517373,"publisher-item-identifier" : 0,"source-identifier" : 1111,"ad-network-identifier" : "","advertised-item-identifier" : 1125517808} JWS Data: "BASE64(JWS-Header)"."BASE64(JWS-Payload)"."SIGNED("BASE64(JWS-Header).BASE64(JWS-Payload)")" Signing was done with temporary key (created every time the JWS is composed) by the following: let signingInput = "\(headerBase64String).\(payloadBase64String)" let privateKey = Curve25519.Signing.PrivateKey() var encodedSignature = "" do { let signature = try privateKey.signature(for: Data(signingInput.utf8)) encodedSignature = base64UrlEncode(signature) } catch { print("Error signing JWS: \(error.localizedDescription)") } UIEventAttributionView (with UITapGestureRecognizer) was added to my ViewController's main view and in a handling method of TAP event, AppImpression was created baased on JWS above and handleTap() method of this AppImpression instance was called. AppImpression was tapped and AppStore has been launched (because to this moment no advertised app with was installed on a device): attributionkitd Preflighting impression AAKPubApp Connection established attributionkitd Validated impression for advertised app: <MY-ADVERTISED-APP-APPSTORE-ID-PLACEHOLDER> attributionkitd No distributor bundle ID received from app fetch attributionkitd Distributor metadata cached for item ID <MY-ADVERTISED-APP-APPSTORE-ID-PLACEHOLDER> attributionkitd Is anything happening? attributionkitd Processing tap attributionkitd Successfully validated publisher application attributionkitd Successfully finalized click through impression attributionkitd Impression is not eligible for re-engagement attributionkitd Launching distributor for itemID: <MY-ADVERTISED-APP-APPSTORE-ID-PLACEHOLDER> attributionkitd [0x70008b340] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=false name=(anonymous) attributionkitd Distributor launch completed for item ID: <MY-ADVERTISED-APP-APPSTORE-ID-PLACEHOLDER> Advertised App Advertised App is an existing application on the AppStore. It was configured according Apple's documentation []. AttributionCopyEndpoint key with my domain ("https://<MY_DOMAIN_PLACEHOLDER>.com") was added to app's Info.plist EligibleForAdAttributionKitReengagementPostbackCopies key with "YES" value was added to Info.plist as well. Number of postback method calls were added to the application in different places including application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions. Used AdAttributionKit method - (updateConversionValue(_:coarseConversionValue:lockPostback:)) [] Application is written in Objective-C while using AdAttributionKit via Swift-to-ObjC regular bridging. I tried to use Advertised App in the following ways: To run it from Xcode. This way, when the advertised app is already installed, AppImpression tap in the publisher App doesn't recognize the Advertised App is installed and launches AppStore. To install it from TestFlight. This way, AppImpression tap in the publisher App successfully recognizes the Advertised App is installed and launches it. Both ways yield the same result - explanation below. Advertised App launched - while calling update postback method in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions attributionkitd Updating postback attributionkitd Queueing update postback attributionkitd [TXNf0dc] 🐏 Beginning transaction (Task runner: atomic) attributionkitd Begin update postback <MY-APPLICATION-NAME-PLACEHOLDER> Connection established attributionkitd [TXN5421] 🐏 Ending transaction (<private>) (<private>) attributionkitd Retrieved conversion window thresholds: <private> attributionkitd [TXNf0dc] 🐏 Ending transaction (<private>) (<private>) ... attributionkitd Calling launch handler for attributionkitd Begin task for identifier: attributionkitd Running barktivity: attributionkitd [TXN46f0] 🐏 Beginning transaction (<private>) attributionkitd Found 0 postbacks eligible for transmission for environments: <private> attributionkitd Postback transmission completed attributionkitd [TXN46f0] 🐏 Ending transaction (<private>) (<private>) attributionkitd Marking task <BGRepeatingSystemTask:> complete attributionkitd Task completed for identifier: The problem I can see here is in the following line: attributionkitd Found 0 postbacks eligible for transmission for environments: <private> It looks like AdAttributionKit cannot connect between AppImpression invocation in Publisher App and updating postback from the Advertised App. Please correct me in case I'm doing anything wrong or missing anything. Thank you very much.
Oct ’24
xcode16 beta not support iAd
May I ask how to adapt to devices using ADClient under iOS 14.3? xcode version: 16.0 beta (16A5171c) error message:Use of undeclared identifier 'ADClient' if (@available(iOS 14.3, *)) { NSError *error = nil; NSString *token = [AAAttribution attributionTokenWithError:&error]; } else { if ([[ADClient sharedClient] respondsToSelector:@selector(requestAttributionDetailsWithBlock:)]) { [[ADClient sharedClient] requestAttributionDetailsWithBlock:^(NSDictionary<NSString *, NSObject *> * _Nullable attributionDetails, NSError * _Nullable error) { }]; } }
Jul ’24
xcode16 beta not support iAd
May I ask how to adapt to devices using ADClient under iOS 14.3? xcode version: 16.0 beta (16A5171c) error message:Use of undeclared identifier 'ADClient' if (@available(iOS 14.3, *)) { NSError *error = nil; NSString *token = [AAAttribution attributionTokenWithError:&error]; } else { if ([[ADClient sharedClient] respondsToSelector:@selector(requestAttributionDetailsWithBlock:)]) { [[ADClient sharedClient] requestAttributionDetailsWithBlock:^(NSDictionary<NSString *, NSObject *> * _Nullable attributionDetails, NSError * _Nullable error) { }]; } }
Jul ’24