Ya, I just reset the Privacy and Location settings on my iPhone, and it works fine now.
Hi. Thanks, they do seem like very similar problems. In my case, it seems to happen on my main iPhone mostly, and seems to work fine on a couple of test devices. Do you have that experience as well? Is it working in production for you? Have you tried iOS16? I'm wondering if it's just a bug with the app not reading the correct permissions on my device, for my app.
Thanks. That works!
For Home Screen widgets. You're right, hard to imagine a way to do it in code, since the snapshot is just saved to an archive on disk. I was hoping it's possible in Xcode or something, but doesn't look like it. If anyone knows a way (either an external tool or some shenanigans) I would love to know. Just need it to capture some problem for internal use.
Hmm, it wasn't working for me, until I added '@ViewBuilder' before the 'func'. Then it compiled for me, in Xcode 15 .
When I add this, I get an error in Xcode: Branches have mismatching types 'some View' (result of 'Self.containerBackground(for:alignment:content:)') and 'some View' (result of 'Self.background(_:alignment:)')
Thanks for confirming that it's not just me! Yes, I had to update the app to fall back to using geocodeAddressString in case I get "no results" from geocodePostalAddress
Where is the limit stated in the documentation? I saw it with the (deprecated) UILocalNotification doc, but not with the 'new' UserNotifications framework.
Thanks; it does seem like it's been fixed in iOS16 and macOS13 betas.
Any thoughts on how to communicate between app extension and the parent app? On iOS, I would write to a plist file, and the iOS app would read the plist file when it became active and update accordingly ... but wondering if there's a better way on the Mac (while respecting sandboxing).
Filed FB9162707
Thank you; that's very helpful. I'll have to look into building some queuing mechanism I suppose. I don't particularly understand why they can't update the limits, considering that it's been there since UILocalNotifications was introduced in iOS4, and everything under the sun has changed since then!
I meant to say '128' (instead of the emoji)!
Thanks for the response. Implementing a server, with push notifications and scheduling, is a big task, so it would be really nice to have a work-around locally. One thing I wanted to ask ... is there a limit to how many UNCalendarNotificationTriggers we can setup in the app? With UILocalNotifications, there was some limit for 64 (or was it 128) notifications that could be scheduled at one time within an app. Does that limit also exist for User Notifications (if so , is it a higher limit than before)? If the notifications limit wasn't an issue, then one can theoretically schedule out calendar notifications to fire at each repeat interval, maybe for the next 5 repeat intervals, and then recalculate when the app is launched at some point.