




Reply to SPM - Swift packages are not supported when using legacy build locations, but the current project has them enabled.
I meet the same problem. I changed build path to $SRCROOT/build, and found this error. Then I changed it back as "build", but the build path still appears under $SRCROOT. Xcode > Settings > Locations are all set to Default. Add package in project stays at this page forever. Tried clear DerivedPath, quit and restart Xcode, reboot macbook, none of these work. Xcode Version 14.3.1 (14E300c) macOS version 13.5 (22G74)
Sep ’23
Reply to FileProvider: File badge and status icon not refreshed
This is what I do and neither the badge nor the decoration updates: I call the completionHandler before the upload completes, and isUploaded=NO at that time. Since we use thrift to upload data to remote server, and we need to support both old version(no FileProvider) and new version(FileProvider), and the upload logic is in host App, I store NSFileProviderItem metadata in DB, then after uploading done, update isUploaded=YES and decoration, then signal workingSet. Working solution from clenart: After uploading data done, and isUploaded=YES and update decoration, then call completionHandler.
Mar ’22