




Reply to ASCredentialIdentityStore.removeCredentialIdentities does NOT remove the credential as expected
in our latest testing, we found that the ASCredentialIdentityStore.shared.removeCredentialIdentities API works as expected for ASPasswordCredentialIdentity, but fail to remove ASPasskeyCredentialIdentity. and we make sure to use the same set of passkey initialization parameters during testing, so the it cannot be passkey identification issue. The ASCredentialIdentityStore.shared.removeCredentialIdentities must have some bug when removing ASPasskeyCredentialIdentity. could you take a look into this please? or is there any other way that I can draw Apple's attention to fix this?
Sep ’23
Reply to ASCredentialIdentityStore.removeCredentialIdentities does NOT remove the credential as expected
below is the code I used to remove the passkey. the log indicate the "Delete result: true, error: nil". and the ASPasskeyCredentialIdentity initialization parameters are exactly the same as those I used at passkey add time (validated through Xcode debugger). yet the passkey can still been seen in the store (shown in quickType Bar as one of the credential option) let removePasskey = ASPasskeyCredentialIdentity(relyingPartyIdentifier: passkey.rpId, userName: passkey.username, credentialID: passkey.keyId, userHandle: passkey.userHandle, recordIdentifier: passkey.coreDataId) let store = ASCredentialIdentityStore.shared store.getState { state in if state.isEnabled { ASCredentialIdentityStore.shared.removeCredentialIdentities([removePasskey]) { success, error in print("Delete result: \(success), error: \(error)") } } }
Sep ’23