I have configured the auto-renewable subscription product through Apple Store Connect, made it available in Xcode via the .storekit configuration file, and successfully purchased it in the testing of the old version. However, during the development of the new version, it seems that I mistakenly opened the .storekit configuration file of the old version, and then one or two pop-up windows appeared (the specific content was similar to saving? I don't quite understand), after that, I found that my new version .storekit configuration file could not automatically sync the auto-renewable subscription product from Apple Store Connect. I can't understand what happened here.
我通过Apple store Connect配置好了自动续期订阅产品,将它在Xcode通过.storekit配置文件配置可用,并且在旧版本的测试中成功购买。
但是,在开发新版本的过程中,我似乎错误的打开了旧版本的.storekit配置文件,然后弹出了一个或者两个弹窗(具体内容类似保存?我不太理解),之后,我发现我的新版本.storekit配置文件无法从Apple store Connect自动同步自动续期订阅产品。