




Reply to Unable to import local XCFramework module
There is a workaround by defining a dummy C target that includes the XCFramework. This is explained on the forum: You will find a link to a sample repository that show how to architecture the project: // The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package. import PackageDescription let package = Package( name: "IBANKit", products: [ // Products define the executables and libraries a package produces, making them visible to other packages. .library( name: "IBANKit", targets: ["IBANKit"]), ], dependencies: [], targets: [ // Adds the C module as a dependencies to your C sources .target( name: "IBANKit", dependencies: ["C"], path: "Sources/IBANKit" ), // Create a dummy c package that uses the XCFramework .target( name: "C", dependencies: ["IBANChecker-Core"], path: "Sources/C" ), .binaryTarget(name: "IBANChecker-Core", path: "Libs/IBANChecker-Core.xcframework"), ] ) Then create a dummy .c source: /// Sources/C/bridge.c #include "bridge.h" void __dummy() {} and a .h in: // Sources/C/include/bridge.h #define IBANKIT_VERSION 1 /* Here include the header of the XCFramework */ #include "IBANChecker-Core.h" And finally in your swift file import C // Now uses symbols defined in the XCFramework
Oct ’23