




Unable to install iOS 15 beta
I have been unable to install iOS 15 beta on an iPhone 6S. I first updated the device to iOS 14.6. I downloaded the iOS 15 Beta Software Profile and installed it. Under Settings > Software Update, I can see the beta. Selecting "Install Now" shows "Verifying update..." for about 5 minutes and then a generic error. "Unable to Install Update". An error occurred installing iOS 15 Developer beta. Retry / Remind Me Later. I looked at Console and didn't see any useful errors. The iOS developer beta is 4.66GB, and so my phone is currently at 14.3GB out of 16GB. Is this a disk space issue with an unhelpful error messages? Anything else I should try?
Jun ’21
MusicKit: developer token request failed
The MusicKit video states that you just enable "MusicKit" in your application identifier and "you're done!" Ok, so I did that, and I'm seeing the following error when trying to run a song query: [DataRequesting] Failed retrieving MusicKit tokens: Error Domain=ICErrorDomain Code=-8200 "Media API Token Service's response was invalid (status code: Unauthorized (401))." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Media API Token Service's response was invalid (status code: Unauthorized (401))., NSUnderlyingError=0x6000023a0c60 {Error Domain=AMSErrorDomain Code=301 "Invalid Status Code" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Invalid Status Code, AMSURL=, AMSStatusCode=401, AMSServerPayload={ status = verificationFailure; }, NSLocalizedFailureReason=The response has an invalid status code}}}. Throwing .developerTokenRequestFailed. Is this just broken on Apple's side? Is there some other magic string that needs to be added to the plist other than NSAppleMusicUsageDescription?
Jun ’21