Hi -
Of course I may be doing something wrong, but I'm getting exactly the opposite of what I would expect from
It returns .playing when the music is paused and .paused when the music is playing.
Am I holding it wrong?
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I'm slowly learning the new MusicKit beta for swift.
I've learned to successfully retrieve tracks of type Song using MusicDataRequest, using the following:
let countryCode = try await MusicDataRequest.currentCountryCode
if let url = URL(string: "https://api.music.apple.com/v1/catalog/\(countryCode)/songs?filter[isrc]=\(isrc)") {
let dataRequest = MusicDataRequest(urlRequest: URLRequest(url: url))
let dataResponse = try await dataRequest.response()
However, when I decode the data, there does not seem to be any album information that I can see.
I've tried adding includes=albums to the URL, but I don't think that's the right approach, because when I veiw the Song struct in MusicKit, I don't see a reference to an Album type anywhere.
Any advice on how to retrieve the album information would be most appreciated.
The MusicKit video states that you just enable "MusicKit" in your application identifier and "you're done!"
Ok, so I did that, and I'm seeing the following error when trying to run a song query:
[DataRequesting] Failed retrieving MusicKit tokens: Error Domain=ICErrorDomain Code=-8200 "Media API Token Service's response was invalid (status code: Unauthorized (401))." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Media API Token Service's response was invalid (status code: Unauthorized (401))., NSUnderlyingError=0x6000023a0c60 {Error Domain=AMSErrorDomain Code=301 "Invalid Status Code" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Invalid Status Code, AMSURL=https://sf-api-token-service.itunes.apple.com/apiToken?REDACTED, AMSStatusCode=401, AMSServerPayload={
status = verificationFailure;
}, NSLocalizedFailureReason=The response has an invalid status code}}}. Throwing .developerTokenRequestFailed.
Is this just broken on Apple's side? Is there some other magic string that needs to be added to the plist other than