




Imported animated Dae becomes transparent in preview
I'm trying to bring an animated object with joints into Xcode, i've been succesful in bringing this very same model without any animation on it and being able to display texture, but now that it's animated it looks completely invisible except for a tiny part of it that looks black all over.I know the model is there because i can see the wireframe when i enable the Solid + wireframe and also upon playing the animation i can see the entire model, which is fine, the problem is i cannot do any further alterations on it's material no matter how much i change on it's options and connections, unlike with previous unanimated .dae files that allowed me to pretty much change every aspect of it's material. I've had this problem before on unanimated objects but simply importing them in .obj did the trick, sadly i cannot import animation with obj.Ive checked the models normals and set them outwards, enabled and disabled default lights still with no success. I've tried exporting straight .dae files from maya and blender and both end up having the same result, i would appreaciate any possible help you could give me, thank you
Nov ’19