




Reply to Need to know how to stop indentation
Putting { on the same line as the method declaration doesn't change the behavior at all. It behaves exactly the same way when I do that. And as for "Obviously I don't understand the logic that Apple uses for these indentations". How it changes the alignment depends on where you are in the code. For a method, Apple thinks it should not be intended, and so the code of a method should always have an indention of one. In my case, the code has an indention of two (because the method itself is already indented), so Xcode reduces that to one every time you autocomplete, so the code jumps to the left. But then I break the function call into two lines, and when you do that, Apple thinks that the next line should align with the parenthesis of the previous line, so this time the code jumps to the right to align with the parenthesis. Basically, Apple has a weird idea of how code should be aligned, even though no one outside of the Apple universe would align code that way, and whenever you autocomplete, Xcode aligns the code the way Apple thinks it should be aligned. Also note that Apple has different ideas about alignment in Obj-C, Swift, and other languages, so this also plays a role. However, that our company has been using the same code alignment for over 20 years and we will not allow Apple or Xcode to force a new alignment on us. If this issue is not resolved, we will stop using Xcode for development and even abandon native coding if we have to.
Reply to Need to know how to stop indentation
I have the same issue and I also reported a bug report for that already 16. October 2024 as FB15510573. This was still for Xcode 16.0. Meanwhile there is Xcode 16.2 and the issue has not yet been addressed. There is now a new option "Automatically reformat when completing code" but this option does simply nothing. At the moment I keep using Xcode 15.4, as it's just imposisble to work with Xcode 16 in its current state and as I'm still using Sonoma, 15.4 is still an option. Here are my settings: And here is the problem (Xcode 16.2 below): Here's how Xcode 15.4 behaves:
Reply to URLComponent does not accept IPv6 address as host in iOS 16
Apple engineer confirmed that this is the expected behaviour I disagree. While it is correct, that IPv6 addresses must be enclosed between [ and ] in URLs, the brackets are part of the URL syntax and not part of the host syntax. The host still is only 2001:0000:3238:dfe1:0063:0000:0000:fefb and not [2001:0000:3238:dfe1:0063:0000:0000:fefb]. The task of URLComponent is it to build an URL out of components or split an URL into components, and adding [ and ] for IPv6 is part of building the URL, just like removing them is part of splitting an URL. When I have to do that myself as a developer, I can as well do all URL building and parsing myself, what for would I then even need a class like URLComponent?
Jan ’24
Reply to Sonoma 14 & Xcode 14.3.1
Xcode 15 builds are broken on Sonoma. They will run fine on every system version prior to Sonoma but they don't render any UI on Sonoma because visibleRect returns nonsense values (you only need to add two lines of code to a stock UI project to demonstrate that, the most minimal test case you can think of) and because CoreAnimation tries to load a shader and this doesn't work: Metal failed to load render pipeline: pipeline=PBGRAXmw_BclrA3Xhfc sdk=23A322 Failed to find reflection in binary archives and yes, we tried the workaround to link directly against the Metal framework but that didn't work at all. So without going back to Xcode 14.3.1, all software development would have to come to a halt until Apple has addressed those issues. See also: So we have no choice to keep using Xcode 14.3.1 and the way to do it is: Download and unpack Xcode 14.3.1 Right click and select "Show Package Contents" Navigate to Contents Open the Info.plist file Alter CFBundleVersion from 21815 to 22265 Save change Right click Xcode 14.3.1 bundle and select "Open" There you go:
Oct ’23
Reply to Xcode 15 beta 6 a new NSView visibleRect are not {0,0,0,0}, but {{-8.9884656743115785e+307, -8.9884656743115785e+307}, {1.7976931348623157e+308, 1.7976931348623157e+308}}
We are seeing the same behavior in our case the view is created by loading a NIB file. If we check "Prefers coder at runtime" for the NIB file, the values are meaningful but if that isn't checked, same problem but only with Xcode 15, no problem with Xcode 14.2, which may be related to the SDK being used and also note that our minimum deployment target is 10.13 Update Spoke too soon. "Prefers coder at runtime" does not really fix the issue, it just prevents some custom UI elements from getting correctly initialized at all and then the UI that would run into the issue is simply missing. So that's not a solution either.
Oct ’23
Reply to -pie being ignored. It is only used when linking a main executable
I got this warning for every target I build in Xcode 15 that isn't the main executable target, e.g. for all framework targets. Note that I haven't set anything in the build settings. For all targets, frameworks or binary, the setting GCC_DYNAMIC_NO_PIC is default (not listed under customized, shows "No" when hovered, also for "Resolved"), still Xcode would add -Wl,-pie to every linker call it made and this produced the warning when being added to liker calls for frameworks. The fix: Overriding the default once to YES, then deleting it again, clean build and no more warnings anymore, as this argument is no longer added to liker calls. Give it a try, maybe works for you, too. And yes, we are also using podfiles but the don't produce this warning either anymore, yet I'm not sure if they actually did before.
Sep ’23
Reply to XCode 14 compile errors immediately disappear or do not appear at all
Okay, I figured out what the problem was. Finally! The key to figuring that out was to see how Xcode is actually calling clang/swiftc in the background, so you can call it yourself with exactly the same arguments and get the actual error message. To get that information, you start Xcode in Terminal with sourcekit logging enabled SOURCEKIT_LOGGING=3 /<path-to-xcode>/ 2>xcode.txt After you edited a source file, you can quit Xcode again and now the file xcode.txt contains the sourcekit log. When you search for the file you just edited, you will stumble upon an entry that shows how the compiler was called in the background key.compilerargs: [ "-x", "objective-c", "-ivfsoverlay", : All you need to do is converting that into a command line call by removing the comas and making all arguments a single line, then you can call the compiler yourself with the exact same arguments and it will tell you what the issue is. More details about all this can be found here: In my case it turned out that a module has not been found by the compiler because the "Supported Destinations" (General tab for a framework target) were not correct. During a full build that played no role as the framework was still built for all the destinations and the linker would then find the module file in the build target location which is added to the search paths. But when creating the command line arguments for live issues, Xcode relies on this information correctly reflecting platform dependencies and if the current platform is not listed there, the module map of the framework is not added to the arguments and then the module is not found. I think it's really a pity that Xcode is not showing these kind of errors by default somewhere in the UI. If you use Visual Studio Code, which uses the same mechanism as Xcode to lint source code and it runs into a similar problem, it will show you the actual error message in its error console and you will know at once what needs to be done to fix that.
Mar ’23
Reply to XCode 14 compile errors immediately disappear or do not appear at all
The problem is definitely caused by live issues. After your build failed, Xcode does correctly highlight the compiler errors, that's why the often appear for a brief moment. But then live issues triggers builds of the current file in the background to update issues constantly while you are editing it and this kind of background builds fail for some reason and they fail in a way that no compiler errors are available, so all errors disappear as the live issues override the issues from the last build. That's why disabling live issues causes the errors of the last build to be shown but then build errors will only update every time you trigger a build and not while editing a file. As for why live issues fail, there seem to be a couple of reason: As one user here pointed out, this can happen if Xcode and filesystem disagree about capitalization (Xcode thinks the folder is named "folder" while in fact it is named "Folder"). HFS/AFS by default don't care for capitalization, to them "folder" and "Folder" are in fact the same folder, yet code and certain APIs sometimes do care, so if there is mismatch, strange things can happen. Another user reported that this can happen if the dev tools don't have the special access rights that they usually do. Usually they get these rights when you start Xcode first time and install the backend components but apparently these permission can get lost. To restore them you can run sudo DevToolsSecurity -enable in Terminal. The post right above this one suggests, that the issue also happens if live build cannot find frameworks, which would certainly also cause this issue. Most people experience live build failures because of some issue that only affects the ARM code of Xcode, so running Xcode in Rosetta fixes this issue for them. So far nobody has an idea what the real problem is it that causes ARM code to fail. So the reasons are very individual but in all cases it is live build is failing in background and Apple does not provide a way to see why it is failing and what might be the problem, which makes it guesswork to fix anything.
Feb ’23
Reply to USB hub failing under Monterey
I have several USB hubs and docks (USB hubs with things like card readers, HDMI output, Ethernet ports, USB-PD (Power Delivery) pass-through, etc.) All of these hubs and docks work fine on an Intel MacBook Pro running Big Sur, never had any issues with any of them. Yet all of them are failing in one way or another on an M1 MacBook Pro running Monterey (12.3.1). What usually doesn't work is USB-3, no matter if USB 3.0 (5 Gbit/s, aka 3.1 Gen 1, aka 3.2 Gen 1) or USB 3.1 Gen 2 (10 Gbit/s aka USB 3.2 Gen 2). These ports do have power but no device is working plugged into them. If they do have USB 2 ports (480 Mbit/s), these do work most of the time (a bit unreliable but I can always get these to work). What sometimes does work are USB-C ports, yet it's kinda random if they will support USB 3.x speeds or just USB 2 speeds. HDMI output seems to always work for me, card readers and Ethernet usually works but I found both to be unreliable (e.g. sometimes Ethernet seems to work but cannot ever obtain an IP address using DHCP and when assigning one from hand, nothing is ping-able). It makes no difference if these are active or passive hubs/docks. If they are active, they fail, no matter if powered by an external power supply or not. It also makes no difference if the PD pass-through is being used or not to pass power to the MacBook. When plugging an USB 2 stick into an USB 3 port and then un- and re-plugging the hub/dock to the MacBook multiple times, sometimes it starts to work as expected, as the port correctly works at USB 2 port in that case but even that is random. It always works well for real USB 2 only ports. So my conclusion is, that the USB 3.x implementation in Monterey is somehow seriously broken and cannot correctly support USB 3 hubs. It explains why USB 2 only ports are working correctly as an USB 3 hub must include an USB 2 hub for USB 2 functionality (these two USB versions are strictly separated Hub-wise, see USB 3 standard). It explains why HDMI works, as it's not transported via USB protocol at all (it's transported via USB-C cable but uses dedicated lines on that cable just for that purpose). It explains why sometimes card readers work (as they are internally connected via USB 2 in some cases) and why Ethernet is unreliable (it is using USB 3 but may be able to fallback to 2, yet this can be an issue if you have a Gbit-link but the port is only connected via 480 Mbit/s). And it explains why plugging devices directly into the USB port with any hub in between does work just fine, as in that case no hub support is required. As the MacBook has internal hubs, apparently the implementation can handle some hubs correctly and if you are lucky and your external one behaves exactly like the internal one, it seems to work, so very few hubs seems to work okay but the majority of hubs does not. And again, these hubs work perfectly fine on older MacBooks, often even on newer ones if the still run Big Sur, as well as on all PCs with Linux and Windows I've tested them with. Yet 3 major Monterey updates later and almost a year after the first Monterey Beta that already showed this problem, Apple has still been unable to fix this serious issue. Note that this is the second time in the history of macOS where Apple totally messed up the USB stack of the system. There has already been an update (I don't remember which macOS it was) that broke USB 2 functionality in such a way, that many devices completely failed after the update, especially multimedia devices (sound cards, video sticks, and so on). I remember that incident as I was developing USB device drivers myself at that time.
May ’22
Reply to How to prevent that our XPC service is getting contantly preempted?
The only solution we found was the same one that also jdv85 shared on StackOverflow. When the app is calling a method of the XPC service for processing, the priority of that XPC service is raised so that the request can quickly be performed as the main app may have to wait for the result of that call. Once processing is over, which is indicated by calling the callback block of the request, the priority level will drop again after a while. By never "answering" the request, the system believes that the XPC service is still processing it and that way the priority stays up. This also keeps sudden termination disabled automatically for the XPC service as the system will not terminate an XPC process while it believes it is still actively processing data, so we don't need to disable it manually anymore. While this solution works, it's still just a workaround that may break one day in the future, e.g. when Apple decides that there is a time limit for XPC requests and in case an XPC request receives no answer within a given time frame, the priority of the XPC process is limited nonetheless as apparently that task is very long running. It's not a permanent fix you can surly rely upon forever.
Mar ’22
Reply to iOS: Getting a persistent ref for a SecIdentityRef
I agree with chrsgrf, documentation says You use the kSecClass key with a suitable value to tell keychain services whether the data you want to store represents a password, a certificate, a cryptographic key, or something else. But if you have that in your query dictionary, nothing is added at all! The call indicates success (returns 0) but it doesn't add anything to keychain. Only if you leave it out, something gets added - Bug. I didn't know it was already reported, so I reported it as well FB9048257 Also Quinn said: In general I prefer to get the persistent ref to the identity as I import it. That is the only option that works at all on iOS. If you use kSecReturnAttributes, kSecReturnData, or kSecReturnRef, even when successfully added, the result is NULL. Only if you use kSecReturnPersistentRef it will not be NULL - Bug. I filed the bug as FB9048313. This was already reported in 2017 for iOS 9 as radar 22228229 and closed as duplicate of 21810530 The keychain API is a horrible mess, especially on iOS. And its really sad that Apple completely lost interest in fixing any bugs reported by developers several year ago. I remember a time (around macOS 10.3/10.4) where we developer would report a bug, quite often even got feedback/questions there and with the next minor release it was fixed and the bug report was even correctly closed. Meanwhile reporting bugs is like talking to my cat. I have over 50 open bug reports on different accounts, all easily reproducible, some even critical and they are all entirely ignored for years. In some of them I even showed where in the source code the bug is and it's a one line change to fix it but it is not happening. And the biggest joke is, the Feedback interface itself is full of bugs and not even those get fixed.
Mar ’21
Reply to Unit tests cannot find project header files, all other targets can
I also discovered it won't just affect headers. When I want to use code from frameworks in the unit test and do a @import framework, I get error "Module framework not found` in the editor. Despite the fact that the framework is listed under "Link Binary With Libraries" and even as explicitly under "Dependencies". Again, it is built correctly when running the tests and it can be used correctly when running the tests, just the editor fails to find them. I also have no autocompletion for any symbols in the frameworks or headers.
Oct ’20
Reply to Unit tests cannot find project header files, all other targets can
If there was at least a way to see with what build settings unit tests are built in the editor. I can only see it, when running tests but when running tests, everything is okay and builds fine. The errors are only there when editing unit test files. I added a headers phase to the build phases of the unit test target and added the not found headers there, even as public headers but the editor still cannot find them, unless their directories are listed under USER_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS or unless I add the test files to the main target of the project, where they definitely don't belong. The header files don't belong to the main target, the belong to a framework target that is built along with the main target and then added to the main targets bundle and they are project headers to the framework but that usually plays no role anywhere else in the project. The project has over a dozen targets and in every file from every target this header can just be included with #import "header.h", it will work in the editor and it will work when building. It only fails for unit test targets. And yes, there are multiple unit test targets but the other ones either just test a frameworks public functionality (so they don't import headers at all, they import the framework as a whole with @import framework;, which is not possible in that case) or they require no headers as they test Swift code. I tried whether that import would work in any other test target and it fails the same, so this is nothing specific to the test target either.
Oct ’20