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I've just update Xcode to Version 13.0 (13A233) release candidate, but now I cannot select MacOS 12 as target, nor for MacCatalyst, it only shows up to 11.3. So all the latest SwiftUI for MacOS 12 is unavailable. ios-15 is present, but not MacCatalyst 12 or even 11.4. Is there a trick or something I have to do or download, to make macos 12 available as target, like it used to do in the beta? Alternatively, is there a way to download the previous beta version. By mistake I deleted mine.
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On Macos Monterey, 12 beta7, I typed the character w in the search bar of Finder, and after a few seconds (while I was looking for the other characters to type in) it went into a locked mad spin forever. Took me a while to find a way to force quit Finder. This seems to be a real bug to me. Has anyone experienced this? Is there a quick way to force quit Finder, some magic key combinations?
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I'm targeting iPad ios 14, with this test code: struct ContentView: View { 		 				@State var arr1: [String] = ["one", "two", "three"] 				@State var arr2: [String] = ["four", "five", "six"] 		 		var body: some View { 				List { 						Section(header: Text("first section")) { 								ForEach(arr1, id: \.self) { s in 										Text(s) 								} 						} 						Section(header: Text("second section")) { 								ForEach(arr2, id: \.self) { s in 										Text(s) 								} 						} 				} 		} 		} Is there a way to make the section headers display what I put in the Text, not change it to uppercase?
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Using xcode 12.3, target macOS 11.1. I have the following test code showing the ProgressView as black not red as expected. struct ContentView: View { 		var body: some View { 				HStack { 						Spacer() 						ProgressView().progressViewStyle(CircularProgressViewStyle(tint: .red)) 						Spacer() 				}.frame(width: 333, height: 333) 		} } Is there a way to make the ProgressView a given color? Is this another bug in SwiftUI?
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I've just upgraded my iMac to macos 11.1 beta and noticed that the Universal Clipboard doesn't work anymore between my mac and ios 14.3 devices. Not working when I copy on mac and try to paste on my iPhone or iPad. It used to be so useful. I followed again the instructions at:,Handoff%2C%20then%20turn%20on%20Handoff. Is there a way to bring this functionality back?
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I'm developing an app to parse package.swift files. When I run the following test code with "App Sandbox=NO" all works well. But I get the dreaded "xcrun: error: cannot be used within an App Sandbox" when "App Sandbox=YES". Fair enough. So what I'm trying to do is to run "swift" inside my sandbox. To do this, I added the small "swift" command file into my Assets and in my project, and using that. However I still get the same error. How can I run "swift" in my sandbox? or is there another way to parse package.swift files with "App Sandbox=YES"? import SwiftUI import Foundation struct ContentView: View { 		var body: some View { 				Text("do the test").onAppear(perform: doTest) 		} 		 		func doTest() { 				if let swiftURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "swift", withExtension: nil) { 						let task = Process() 						task.executableURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: swiftURL.absoluteString) 						// path to my local .cachesDirectory, where I added a Package.swift file 						// e.g. FileManager.default.urls(for: .cachesDirectory, in: .userDomainMask) 						let arg3 = "/Users/......" 						task.arguments = ["package", "--package-path", arg3, "dump-package"] 						let pipe = Pipe() 						task.standardOutput = pipe 						do { 								try 						} catch (let error) { 								print("======> error \(error.localizedDescription)") 						} 						task.waitUntilExit() 						let data = pipe.fileHandleForReading.readDataToEndOfFile() 						print("---> data:	\(data)") 				} 		} } Using Xcode 12.2 beta, macos 10.15.6 app.
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With the latest iOS 14.2 and Xcode 12.2 beta, I'm trying to save a file with: .fileExporter(isPresented: ....) all works well on iPad, but not on iPhone simulator. The file "chooser" does not appear, and so nothing is saved. According to the doc, availability iOS 14+. Is this correct behaviour?
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I can't find a way to get my buttonView (just a Button) on top of the map so I can tap it. In another more complicated setup, the button somehow turnup on top and I can tap it, but this is by luck not by design. How to get my buttonView on the map so I can tap it? Xcode 12 beta-3, mac catalina, target ios 14. import Foundation import SwiftUI import MapKit import CoreLocation @main 	 struct TestMapApp: App { 		var body: some Scene { 				WindowGroup { 						MapViewer() 				} 		} } struct MapViewer: View { 		@State var cityAnno = [CityMapLocation(title: "Tokyo", subtitle: "Japan", lat: 35.685, lon: 139.7514)] 		@State var region = MKCoordinateRegion(center: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 35.685, longitude: 139.7514),span: MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: 1.0, longitudeDelta: 1.0)) 		 		var body: some View { 				Map(coordinateRegion: $region, annotationItems: cityAnno) { city in 						MapAnnotation(coordinate: city.coordinate) { 								buttonView(cityName: city.title!) 								// tried this, does not work 								// Image(systemName:"").foregroundColor(.white).scaleEffect(2.2) 								//	 .onTapGesture { print("----> onTapGesture") } 						} 				} 		} 		func buttonView(cityName: String) -> some View { 				Button(action: {print("----> buttonView action")}) { 						VStack { 								Text(cityName) 								Image(systemName: "") 						}.foregroundColor(.red).scaleEffect(1.2) 				}.frame(width: 111, height: 111) 				// tried combinations of these, without success //				.background(Color.gray).opacity(0.8) //				.border(Color.white) //				.contentShape(Rectangle()) //				.clipShape(Rectangle()) //				.zIndex(1) //				.buttonStyle(PlainButtonStyle()) //				.layoutPriority(1) //				.allowsHitTesting(true) //				.onTapGesture { //						print("----> onTapGesture") //				} 		} 		} 		class CityMapLocation: NSObject, MKAnnotation, Identifiable { 		var id = UUID().uuidString 		var title: String? 		var subtitle: String? 		dynamic var coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D 		 		 init(title: String?, subtitle: String?, lat: Double, lon: Double) { = UUID().uuidString 				self.title = title 				self.subtitle = subtitle 				self.coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: lat, longitude: lon) 		} 		}
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