




Reply to Microphone not working in iOS simulators under macos Sonoma 14.1.2
I am seeing the same issue on the watchOS simulators (9.x & 10.x), Sonoma 14.1.1, XCode 15.0.1 When using: KExtension.shared().visibleInterfaceController?.presentTextInputController() Dictation was working previously using the watchOS simulator, but, I am not exactly sure when it stopped working, e.g., which updates may be causing the issue. Can anyone shed some light on this issue?
Dec ’23
Reply to [WC] WCSession counterpart app not installed BUT IT IS!
Using: XCode 14.1 (single target watch app with existing iOS App) iPhone XS Simulator with IOS 13, paired w/Watch Series 5 (44mm) Simulator , Watch OS 7, 8 or 9 I also get back: IsPaired[true] isWatchAppInstalled[false] isReachable[false] No issues with iOS 14, 15 or 16 Simulators, i.e., IsPaired[true] isWatchAppInstalled[true] isReachable[true] It's only iOS 13. I also went back to XCode 13.x, with two watch targets, and have the exact same issue. The above is preventing me from using method channel communications between iOS app and Watch app under iOS 13.
Dec ’22
Reply to [WC] WCSession counterpart app not installed BUT IT IS!
I added a Watch app to an existing iOS app using XCode 14.1. (single target template) When using WCSession delegate, so I can message between the apps, I always get isWatchAppInstalled = false. If I create the same scenario using XCode 13.x, I have no issues. Has anyone been able to add a watch app to an existing iOS app, create a WCSession object and have isWatchAppInstalled = true? print("Session:activationDidCompleteWith --> IsPaired[(String(describing: session.isPaired))] isWatchAppInstalled[(String(describing: session.isWatchAppInstalled))] isReachable[(String(describing: session.isReachable))]"); displays: Session:activationDidCompleteWith --> IsPaired[true] isWatchAppInstalled[false] isReachable[false]
Nov ’22