For anyone still finding this thread, the correct answer is that you need to check the Outgoing Connections (Client) checkbox in the App Sandbox settings panel.
This entitlement seems to be required to get WKWebView working in AppKit apps. This is missing from the WKWebView documentation, so hopefully this post is helpful for anyone else.
If DTS wants to give me a job, I'd be happy to scour the forums and SO to send suggestions to the documentation team. :-P
For anyone still finding this question, the correct answer is that you need to check the Outgoing Connections (Client) checkbox in the App Sandbox settings panel.
This entitlement seems to be required to get WKWebView working in AppKit apps. This is missing from the WKWebView documentation, so hopefully this post is helpful for anyone else.
Geese this forum seems dead.
I figured out what's going on here, sharing the solution/workaround in case someone else has this issue and Google and Bing are gracious enough to index it.
You need to restart your Mac.
Define your intent. You can do this programmatically by subclassing AppIntent, or using by creating an Intents file as they show in the WWDC session I mentioned above.
Build and run the app.
Restart your Mac.
Open your Xcode project, build and run.
Open Shortcuts.
Your intent should be visible in Shortcuts now!
Once the Shortcuts app has found the intent, you'll be able to edit, compile, run changes without restarting your computer or closing/opening the Shortcuts app.
Hope this helps!
I'm running into the same problem referencing that same WWDC video.
I have ensured that:
App intents file is included in the target
The intent is added to the Supported Intents section of the target/General tab
There's only one copy of my app on disk using the handy command Peter posted above. The only copy listed is the build in /Xcode/Derived-Data/...
The app builds and launches cleanly, and I see the intent code getting generated in the compiler log, but I still cannot find my shortcut in the shortcuts app.
This is a fresh AppKit-Swift MacOS app, not much else to consider in terms of complications.
This is so crazy. Is it normal to have the "Disable Library Validation" option turned on? Is it best practice? It's the only way I can get my little CLI app to build after I included swift-argument-parser.
Seems like there's some incongruity with the security policy and with using SPM. I certainly don't want to hate developing on Apple's platforms, but everything that has happened since the Swift announcement, every year, there's more and more little paper cuts you have to dance around in order for things to just get out of your way so you can do some actual thinking and building. I really, truly, do not want to have such a negative attitude, but I'm sitting here wondering how this is even an oversight. I'm sitting here wondering if I should be building this as a web app just to avoid this mess.
In any case, checking that option to on allows the cli app to build and run.