




Reply to Add/Remove ReferenceObject after ARSession is started in visionOS
My usecase is user has a big scene including some areas(like a house with different room, or a room has different tables), each area has some objects need to tracked. If user walk from one area to another I want to switch to the objects that should be tracked in this area. So should I load all RefereneceObjects at the begining? I still use hand tracking and world tracking for other functions. If I stop ARSession to update ReferenceObjects for ObjectTrackingProvider, other tracking providers will also restart, this may affect user experience. And is there a method to fix this problem? Thanks @Vision Pro Engineer
Reply to Not receive onDisappear event on the first WindowGroup
Another way to test this issue is just use the Official "Hello World" example. I just add onDisappear to the first window. WindowGroup("Hello World", id: "modules") { Modules() .environment(model) .onDisappear(){ print("Hello World Window On Disappear") } } .windowStyle(.plain) Run the demo and open either immersive space, then tap the close X button below the Hello World window. And no onDisappear event called.
Jul ’24