




Reply to Unable to Debug macOS Action Extension: "Attach failed" Error
Based on this post I used the pluginkit to run pluginkit -v -m -D -i <extensionBundleId> and removed the .app from all the paths it found (I had some old one lingering in an accidental .xcarchive). This allowed me to Run the extension as a normal app, choose Finder as Host and successfully attach. (I suppose this approach can serve as a 'clean slate'?). However the issue persists -> the debugger (or the extension, not sure which) crashes when I try to po something or show the Variables view. [quote='789031022, DTS Engineer, /thread/756097?answerId=789031022#789031022'] If you choose Process > Detach, does it crash? And do you get a crash report? [/quote] Yes it does. The same crash. It just turns off, debug view dissapears and I get the: "Couldn't communicate with a helper application." Not sure if I get a crash report. Don't see anything in the Please bear in mind that this same exact scenario happens in a completely fresh new project with the Apple's boilerplate action extension code. I can run & attach but cannot debug. Should I try the approach with the dummy appex host? How exactly would I create that target inside the appex project?
May ’24
Reply to Unable to Debug macOS Action Extension: "Attach failed" Error
I am not even sure I understand how to properly install new versions. Right now it seems I have a remnant. The extension is shown upon right-click on an item in Finder and is also visible in the Quick Actions selection menu, even though the container app is not installed in the /Applications directory and the build folder is cleaned. What is the best way to clean everything and making sure I have a clean slate? To be on the same page it is an extension that just compresses and converts an image. I tried what you said -> I built the app, moved the .app from build to the /Applications directory (to have the latest, not sure if this is the correct approach?), launched it normally via the right click/quick actions and then I tried Debug > Attach to process and selected it from the likely targets. Xcode ran it again and attached the debugger but when I try to use the lldb to po context or just to step over for example it crashes with exit code 9. @DTS Engineer
May ’24
Reply to defaults tool can't handle app group settings?
@eskimo How does one go about modifying stuff in the shared 'app grouped' plist if the defaults command does not support it? I would love to quickly modify, read & delete like I am normally used to with defaults. I found some workaround with killing cfprefsd but that's not working anymore. Direct modification in ~/Library/Group Containers/ does not work.
May ’24