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I am porting some code with heavy use of stdlib and CF. Linking against CF produces the error: CoreFoundation is not available when building for DriverKit. I get errors like error: no member named 'clock_t' in the global namespace. What is the correct approach here? Could I statically link stdlib? Should I move my processing code to a separate process? Related:
by vjpr.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
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I want to update the HIDPointerAccelerationTable which is used inside IOHIDPointerScrollFilter. Using the following does not seem to work (I am guessing there is a whitelist of properties that are passed down the stack): hidutil property --matching '{"ProductID":0x47}' --set '{"HIDPointerAccelerationTable":0}' I verify that nothing happens by monitoring this log stream: sudo log stream --level trace --predicate 'subsystem == ""' I cannot see where this is instantiated in the open-source code, although I do know that it is a CFPlugin. Not being able to update this property means I would have to reimplement the IOHIDPointerScrollFilter as part of a DriverKit driver, but its looking like a big task because DriverKit doesn't suppose CF/stdlib stuff. Is there a way to update the HIDPointerAccelerationTable property in IOHIDPointerScrollFilter? Can I write my own HIDServiceFilter? How can I register it? Or is this just an internal thing.
by vjpr.
Last updated