




Couldn't read USB device endpoints on MacOS15.3
Hi Folks, We are reading the USB device data from our app using libusb/iokit libraries. Before updating the MacOS to the 15.3 we never faced any issue but after updating OS to 15.3 Sequoia we started facing issue to access the USB device's information. We are not getting the device endpoints for the matching service and fails with below error- Error:Failed to create IOUSBHostObject. with reason: IOServiceOpen failed. Respective code snippet- service = IOServiceGetMatchingService(kIOMasterPortDefault, matchingDictionary); IOUSBHostInterface* interface = [[IOUSBHostInterface alloc] initWithIOService:service options:IOUSBHostObjectInitOptionsDeviceCapture queue:*queue error:&error interestHandler:nil]; We get the denial message during accessing the IOService error 23:17:30.691934-0800 kernel 41 duplicate reports for Sandbox: spotlightknowledged(1399) deny(1) mach-lookup error 23:17:30.691945-0800 kernel System Policy: com.prograde.pgdrefreshpro.helpe(70515) deny(1) iokit-open-service IOUSBHostInterface Also when we checked the IOUSBHOST logs we can see pipes are stalled while running the RefreshPro app as below- 2025-02-05 22:06:31.838141-0800 0x25913e Error 0x0 0 0 kernel: (IOUSBHostFamily) AppleUSBIORequest: AppleUSBIORequest::complete: device 8 (SD PG05.5@08210000) endpoint 0x00: status 0xe0005000 (pipe stalled): 0 bytes transferred We need an assistance here to know what exactly could be the cause and how can we elevate the permissions to access the USB device on MacOS15.3. Do we need other entitlements? As we never faced such issue with our certificate and Identifier on any MacOS versions and with the current entitlements we have. Do we need to include any entitlement in the code? Thanks.