




Xcode 15.4 crashing on launch
After installing Xcode 16.0 Beta 3 (as a separate app), Xcode 15.4 is crashing on launch. I have uninstalled both Xcodes and reinstall 15.4 again and the crash is still happening. Full log was too long to post here. I have created a gist for it:
Jul ’24
Using playgrounds in local swift packages -- Bundle.module throws fatal error
Hello, We are modularizing our iOS project using SPM. One of those modules is our UI module, which contains a bunch of Resources, for example, custom fonts. In order to register the fonts, we use the following code to access the resources: swift Bundle.module.urls(forResourcesWithExtension: "otf", subdirectory: nil) This is the recommended way from Apple as seen here - This seems to be working when importing the module into our main app. The problem appears when this code is executed from a Playground within the same module. When the code is executed, a fatal error is thrown: unable to find bundle named UniverseUI_UniverseUI This is triggered from the generated file resource_bundle_accessor.swift which contains the following code: swift import class Foundation.Bundle private class BundleFinder {} extension Foundation.Bundle {     /// Returns the resource bundle associated with the current Swift module.     static var module: Bundle = {         let bundleName = "UniverseUI_UniverseUI"         let candidates = [             // Bundle should be present here when the package is linked into an App.             Bundle.main.resourceURL,             // Bundle should be present here when the package is linked into a framework.             Bundle(for: BundleFinder.self).resourceURL,             // For command-line tools.             Bundle.main.bundleURL,         ]         for candidate in candidates {             let bundlePath = candidate?.appendingPathComponent(bundleName + ".bundle")             if let bundle = bundlePath.flatMap(Bundle.init(url:)) {                 return bundle             }         }         fatalError("unable to find bundle named UniverseUI_UniverseUI")     }() } Lastly, our module target defines resources like so: swift resources: [.process("Resources")]), Is there any workaround so we don't trigger the fatalError when executing that code from a playground? Any check to know if Bundle.module is available? Thank you
Apr ’21
Can not display local variable at breakpoints
Our project is currently unable to display local variable values at breakpoints. Here is a screenshot of the actual result. - I saw similar posts: Although I checked ever single answer and my problem is still there. Most of the answers revolve around setting -Onone optimization level, whic we already had. I believe it has nothing to do with optimization level but with SPM. Let me explain. I ran a git bisect to find when we introduced the problem. Turns out there is a specific commit that causes the issue and the only thing it does is adding Auth0 library to our project via SPM. Prior to that commit, debug was working as expected. After that commit, it does not work anymore. I tried removing that specific dependency from our project and cleaning SPM caches but it didn't fix the issue. Any ideas? Thank you.
Feb ’21
Using Apple sign in with Developer ID for a Mac Catalyst app distribution
I am trying to export a Catalyst app using Developer ID as distribution method. However I am unable to do it because xcode complains about Apple Sign in capability not being included in the profile (which clearly is, see attached - Any solutions or workarounds? Thank you.
Jan ’21