




Reply to IOS 14 WiFi
I am having similar issues. If I am away from the WIFI for more than a few hours, my iPhone reconnects and requests a new IP address. This happens whether or not the "Use Private Address" is turned on or off.
Jun ’20
Reply to Catalina beta 5 causing late 2015 iMac to freeze when left unattended
I think I have managed to get some stability for my Macbook (early 2015).I disabled Photos in Settings -> iCloud.I disabled the Wake on LAN and wake for photos etc in Settings ->Power (for plugged in)I then put my laptop to sleep.For two days now it's has woken up from sleep and worked.Update: This did not stop the lockups after a period of time of inactivity. The only thing this seems to do is allow me to use my machine without having to restart it.
Aug ’19