When connection is cut before track is fully buffered and player reaches end of loaded time ranges, audio stops but status is not updated:
elapsed Time continues to send events
player.timeControlStatus = playing
currentItem!.isPlaybackLikelyToKeepUp = true
player.status = readyToPlay
player.currentItem!.status = readyToPlay
currentItem!.isPlaybackLikelyToKeepUp = true
But an event is logged in errorLog()
errorStatusCode -1009
This results in weird behaviour where a progress bar is continuing to show progress without any sound. It even continues beyond the total track duration.
Reproducible on demo app https://github.com/timstudt/PlayerApp:
start playback
let buffer til e.g. 70sec (loadedTimeRanges)
activate flight mode
seek to 60sec (returns = successful)
when player reaches 70sec mark, audio stops, but elapsed time continues.
Note: w/o seeking the player stalls correctly on 70sec mark.
Docs say: "For serial tasks, set the target of your serial queue to one of the global concurrent queues"
but how exactly?
DispatchQueue(label: "", target: .global(qos: .background))
// or
DispatchQueue(label: "", qos: .background, target: .global(qos: .background))
or is it the same?
We use quite a few serial queues in our app. In general each service (e.g. analytics, downloading, etc) has it's own serial queue to sync. access to it's resources.
I have an issue with updating MPNowPlayingInfoCenter when trying to read nowPlayingInfo I don't get a response leading to blocking the current thread indefinitely.
I'm updating MPNowPlayingInfoCenter on main thread which results in an app freeze.
func staticUpdate() {
logger.log(.debug, "start static update")
infoCenter.nowPlayingInfo = nowPlayingInfo
logger.log(.debug, "end static update")
func dynamicUpdate() {
logger.log(.debug, "start update - read")
var mpInfo = infoCenter.nowPlayingInfo ?? [String: Any]()
logger.log(.debug, "start update - write")
infoCenter.nowPlayingInfo = mpInfo
logger.log(.debug, "end update")
2022-04-25 09:28:19.051435+0200 [Debug] [main] [NowPlayingInfoCenterController.swift:128] start static update
2022-04-25 09:28:19.051834+0200 [Debug] [main] [NowPlayingInfoCenterController.swift:130] end static update
2022-04-25 09:28:19.052251+0200 [Debug] [main] [NowPlayingInfoCenterController.swift:186] start update - read
I'm overwriting nowPlayingInfo when media changes, then I'm updating it on any status changes (progress, status,...)
(see timestamps, we read ~1ms after write but never reach infoCenter.nowPlayingInfo = mpInfo)
shouldn't infoCenter.nowPlayingInfo always be readable?
can I update infoCenter from any queue? (this would solve only app freeze..)
How can I detect when my app goes from background to suspended state? or better about to be suspended..
AppDelegate has method for entering background and there's even a Notification for this, but I can't find anything about suspended.
And I guess receiveMemoryWarning is not the right one.