@Iomegan Thanks, that's interesting. Our current implementation doesn't preface the teamid, it looks something like com.mycompany.groupname.
I've changed the group id in the entitlements to look like:
<key>com.apple.security.application-groups</key> <array> <string>$(TeamIdentifierPrefix)com.mycompany.groupname</string>
And changed the access methods (NSUserDefaults initWithSuiteName, NSFileManager containerURLForSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier) to use the new group id.
But I'm still seeing the same popups. I assume something is wrong in our app group setup, but I'm not sure what else to check
@Engineer How do I follow up with the response to the feedback issue? I've not seen anything so far.
Thanks for your response. I've opened feedback incident FB15258136. Note that I had to open this from my dev laptop running Sonoma, as the Sequoia VM I'm testing with had issues logging into apple (Parallels issue I think).