We have a sync solution with two apps that are an application-group. I use an NSUserDefaults object opened with initWithSuiteName to share config data between the two. That has not been a problem in the past. However,in the Sequoia Beta 7 (24a5327a), when I read or write to the NSUserDefaults from either app, the " would like to access data from other apps" dialog appears. This occurs on every restart on our test systems and more often for some of our customers testing (perhaps with older betas).
The warning is not indicative of what I'm doing, and the fact that it comes up every single launch will freak out customers.
There was a similar issue opened in Beta 4 that was marked fixed in beta 5: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/760072?answerId=799001022#799001022
I posted this in the beta feedback forums before GA but got no response.