Build XCTest UI runner (without running it)

We're investigating various ways to run UI automation tests. One option we're trying requires uploading our app's *.ipa file and the UITest-Runner app's *.ipa file to a third party, who can then run the tests on various devices.

I can't seem to get a working build of the Runner app without actually running the tests, though. If I build the UI Test target using xcodebuild on the command line, it packages up everything EXCEPT a *.xctestconfiguration file inside the runner app. The only way I've been able to get Xcode to create this xctestconfiguration file for me is to run "xcodebuild" with action "test".

Ideally I would just build the packge and not have to run the UI tests.

Does anyone know how to generate this "xctestconfiguration" file without actually running the UI tests?

Hi You got answer for this question. Please share
Build XCTest UI runner (without running it)