




iPhone 14 Pro Max produces corrupted images
My iPhone produces corrupted images under certain conditions. If I shoot same scene (with slightly varying angle) in same lightning conditions, I almost all the time receive corrupted photo, which contains magenta copy of image and green rectangle. If I add some other objects to the scene, thus changing overall brightness of the scene, chance of bug reduces significantly. Device info: iPhone 14 Pro Max (iOS 17 RC), iPhone 14 Pro (iOS 17 beta 6) Images with issue: f/1.664, 1/25s, ISO 500, digitalZoom=1.205, brightness=-0.568 f/1.664, 1/25s, ISO 500, digitalZoom=1.205, brightness=-0.514 f/1.664, 1/25s, ISO 640, digitalZoom=1.205, brightness=-0.641 f/1.664, 1/25s, ISO 500, digitalZoom=1.205, brightness=-0.448 f/1.664, 1/25s, ISO 500, digitalZoom=1.205, brightness=-0.132 Images without issue: f/1.664, 1/25s, ISO 500, digitalZoom=1.205, brightness=-0.456 f/1.664, 1/20s, ISO 640, digitalZoom=1.205, brightness=-1.666 f/1.664, 1/100s, ISO 50, digitalZoom=1.205, brightness=4.840 f/1.664, 1/25s, ISO 640, digitalZoom=1.205, brightness=-0.774 I'm using builtInWideAngleCamera with continuousAutoExposure, continuousAutoFocus and slight videoZoomFactor func photoOutput(_ output: AVCapturePhotoOutput, didFinishProcessingPhoto photo: AVCapturePhoto, error: Error?) { if let error = error { capturePhotoCallback?(.failure(.internalError(error.localizedDescription))) return } guard let data = photo.fileDataRepresentation() else { capturePhotoCallback?(.failure(.internalError("Can not get data representation."))) return } guard let image = UIImage(data: data) else { capturePhotoCallback?(.failure(.internalError("Can not get image from data representation."))) return } capturePhotoCallback?(.success(image)) }
Sep ’23