




App Transfer
I have some questions about the App Transfer Process. I intend to receive the transfer of an app that is currently live on the AppStore but wanted to understand the overall process so I can have an idea of what to expect. My understanding from is that as long as the criteria are met for the transfer then there shouldn't be an issue with the transfer. Once the transfer is initiated how long should the transfer process take? Once the transfer process is completed and the App is visible in my AppStoreConnect portal, will the transferred app still be available on the AppStore or will I have to resubmit the app for review before it is visible once more? Will there be any time during the transfer process that users will be unable to download the app? I am told that the app that is being transferred was built in Swift 3, should this have a bearing on whether or not the app can be transferred, or does it need to be upgraded before the transfer can be initiated. As far as I'm aware this shouldn't be an issue.
Nov ’21