
Post marked as solved
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Is it possible to use ARkit's functionality with prerecorded videos. Right now I am only able to use ARkit with a live ARView session. Is it possible to use arkit's capabilities on recorded videos. Forexample can I used body detection on a recorded video from the past?
by tk101.
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Post not yet marked as solved
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Hi is it possible to create two arview sessions simultaneously. Since it seems like you cannot do person segmentation and body detection in the same configuration is it possible to create two different arview sessions and run them simultaneously with two different congfigurations. The first arview configuration could be for person segmentation and the second could be for body detection.
by tk101.
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I am trying to get the 2D skeletal structure of a person in front of the camera. However, in my use case, there may be multiple people in front of the camera. Is there a way to track one person the whole time regardless of other people walking through the frame. Currently, ARFrame.detectedBody keeps jumping between all the people it sees in the frame. I have one approach to try to solve this. I want to use human detection from the Vision framework. This will provide all the people within the camera view and then I can try to restrict ARView's Camera view to be only focused on the one person that I am interested in. However, I am unsure of how to restrict an ARView's camera scope. Any help on this topic would be much appreciated!
by tk101.
Last updated