2-3 days in January, when I asked them about wire transfer. And yesterday they've sent my issue to the internal team in the US and today they've answered, that everything is ok with my order and I "won´t have to worry until next year"as they said.
I'm not. I tried to pay with real mac and iphone - the result was the same. Wire transfer has saved me (despite the fact that this week Apple again has played with my brain - now everything is ok again).
All you need to know about this problem: "However, after the funds were received it seems like there has been a problem with the funds". Facepalm. I guess my money have reached them torned.
Well, in January I've sent money, Apple received them (senior advicer said), but now they say: "I have a reviewed this again and unfortunately the expiration of your account was correct and therefore it will expire again at the end of today. Please contact your financial institution as it seems like there has been an issue with the wire transfer you made. Your financial institution will be able to give you more details on these regards." I've sent money and they didn't return, but problem is on my side, aha...
Guys, something new. I renewed my account on january by wire transfer, everything was ok, until today, because:"Your Apple Developer Program membership has expired.Renew your membership to keep your access to program benefits and services. Once renewed, be sure to agree to your Paid Applications Agreement in the Agreements, Tax and Banking section of App Store Connect."What a joke???
Guys, something new. I renewed my account on january by wire transfer, everything was ok, until today, because:"Your Apple Developer Program membership has expired.Renew your membership to keep your access to program benefits and services. Once renewed, be sure to agree to your Paid Applications Agreement in the Agreements, Tax and Banking section of App Store Connect."What a joke???
Well, it's done. And for me it took just 3 days from sending money. Advicer said she have renewed my account manually after they received money.
How many days it took from sending money to the payment was completed?
Something new. I managed to get permission for Wire Transfer. Senior Advisor said that she has discussed my circumstances with internal team and they have agreed to process a wire transfer as an exception. I don't think it's working plan for those, who are trying to create new developer account, but good enough for those, who can't renew existing.
That's solution for a new account, but not for prolongation, am I right?
Hmm, interesting. Seems like they pretend that they called you, but you were not available.
I've already did it, but there no any reaction after I filed a bug report.
Guys, not good information: yesterday on sunday evening (not a business day) I made another attemt to renew my membership, and today early moning, the order was cancelled - at about 6 GMT (before the first business day was started). Some of my previous attempts also were cancelled at this time, so, I think it's algorythm, which check orders every day at the same time. And some users have a 'flag' (I don't no why) - and algorythm is reacting on this flag and is cancelling orders. The bad news - nobody will change algorithm if this problem is about a few dozens of developers... Hope I'm wrong.
I did, but no reaction since then.