




Platform single sign-on - demo app help
Hi, im trying to make a Platform single sign-on app for my Idp, and I have tried online to try and find some code/ a demo app for this I cannot find anything for the Mac OS Side, there is someone who's created the server, but no info for that on what the Mac extension should do. I have tired implementing the 2 function to required, but to no luck. After reading what I think is all of the document I'm still really confused as to how this is all supposed to work. I have got to the stage where it create the popup that says you need to authenticated with your idp but cannot work out the bugs for the rest of it. manly im getting an issue in the console that says no login config for (username) and im not sure what im doing wrong.
Sep ’24
Apple MapKit Js Token update
I might be being really ******, but I'm struggling to find a way to update the map kit token when it expires. We have a display that shows a map for a long time and for some reason the map stops loading and I think it's cause the token expires however I can't work out away to tell it to load a new token.
Aug ’24