Hello Community,
has anyone seen a full list of all weather descriptions used in official Apple weather app?
I am using the Shortcuts App only to bring the weather on Lockscreen (example can be seen at the end of this request).
Some of those weather descriptions can be found in iOS15 manual. Unfortunately not a full list, e.g.
English https://support.apple.com/en-au/guide/iphone/iph4305794fb/ios
Arabian https://support.apple.com/ar-ae/guide/iphone/iph4305794fb/ios
German https://support.apple.com/de-de/guide/iphone/iph4305794fb/ios
and more can be found changing language codes in urls above, but all those lists are just an extract of the full list.
Thank you.
Hi all,
WeatherKit is working fine within my contentView.
I am trying to use the WeatherKit within SiriKit Intent Definition files.
I am trying to call
let weather = try! await weatherService.weather(for: location)
How can I handle my SiriKit intent with the async/await function?
Latitude and longitude (location) will be provided as input values from Shortcuts App.
I would like to render an html file (html string) to a png file (and save png to iCloud Drive).
I am using WKWebView() with WKNavigationDelegate to check whether web view didFinish loading.
WKWebView is working fine.
Once WKWebView loading didFinish I would like to render the view to an UIimage (and then save as png file) - and here I am currently struggling to generate UImage with
ImageRenderer(content: content)
Any Idea how to render the webView to png
any another approach to render HTML to png?
Thanks a lot
Hello Community,
I recently started to work on shortcuts with AppIntent and I want to have an image output on my shortcut action.
The output of a string is simple and working:
func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult & ReturnsValue<String> {
let myString : String = "Hello World"
return .result(value: myString)
I am having trouble to return an image. Ideally I want to load an image from iCloud Drive or from a website and throw image result.
I tried
func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult & ReturnsValue<Image> {
func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult & ReturnsValue<INFile> {
, but was not apple to write a proper code to
return .result(value: myImage)
Any help is very welcome and highly appreciated.
Have a good week