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I'm struggling with compiling lib opus so that it works in the simulator on Apple silicon. I found a thread on the forums that seems to address part of the issue, but I am unable to build the static lib so that it shows the platform it is targeting. The thread mentions that I should be able to run otool and see a "load commands" that indicate the platform. When I run otool against the static library that we have created, it doesn't list any load commands. I don't see LC_BUILD_VERSION or LC_VERSION_MIN_***. Why would there not be any "Load command" entries? % otool -l -arch arm64 dependencies/lib/libopus.a Archive : dependencies/lib/libopus.a dependencies/lib/libopus.a(bands.o): is an LLVM bit-code file dependencies/lib/libopus.a(celt.o): is an LLVM bit-code file dependencies/lib/libopus.a(celt_encoder.o): is an LLVM bit-code file dependencies/lib/libopus.a(celt_decoder.o): is an LLVM bit-code file ... dependencies/lib/libopus.a(mlp.o): is an LLVM bit-code file dependencies/lib/libopus.a(mlp_data.o): is an LLVM bit-code file The static library has the two architectures embedded in it, but when compiling the framework for the simulator platform the linking phase complains that we are building for the simulator, but linking object code built for ios. % lipo -info dependencies/lib/libopus.a Architectures in the fat file: dependencies/lib/libopus.a are: x86_64 arm64 In case you are curious, I'm just piggybacking on this project that has a script in the root directory that builds the official open source Opus library files. My hope is to build this static library for ios, ios-simulator, and mac-catalyst platforms and then include them in a xcframework.
by tethridge.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
1 Replies
What is the expected behavior when a user restarts their device without leaving a channel? I am testing this use case with my application and the system UI seems to be in a strange state. After the restart, the system PTT UI uses the name of my application for the channel title and instead of an icon, it uses the initials from my application name as the icon. It does not request a PTChannelDescriptor from my application. It appears that my application is not being called at all if I open the system PTT UI and try to send audio. Is this a known issue that I'm not handling properly or is this a bug with PTT?
by tethridge.
Last updated