




Comment on Checking authorization status of AVCaptureDevice or CLLocation Manager gives runtime warnings in iOS 18
Hello Argun, thanks for the response. Well the issue is its not documented anywhere that these statuses can not be checked on the main thread. I will try pushing them to background thread. But what about checking (AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().category == .playback) giving error Hangs - Interprocess communication on the main thread can cause non-deterministic delays. ?
Dec ’24
Comment on Adding multiple AVCaptureVideoDataOutput stalls captureSession
Hello @gchiste , yes the hardware cost comes to be 1.5 for simple ProRes 1080p@30 fps video. So it would not work for ProRes. But even for non-ProRes presets such as YcbCr420 10 bit where it works, there are frame drops when using 4K@60 fps activeFormat and using AVAssetWriter to encode. This happens even if you merely add preview video data output and do zero processing on the buffers delivered for preview (just a return statement in captureOutput delegate).
Nov ’23