




Comment on AVCaptureDevice rotationCoordinator modifying CALayer on switching devices
@Media Engineer Yes, rotationCoordinator is an instance variable in the class which is an actor. Therefore it will get deallocated off the main thread(on actor's serial queue). But it happens the same way in AVCam sample code (where AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer is used). We don't see this issue in AVCam sample code even though rotationCoordinator gets deallocated on the actor's serial queue. I shall submit a bug soon.
Comment on Checking authorization status of AVCaptureDevice or CLLocation Manager gives runtime warnings in iOS 18
Hello Argun, thanks for the response. Well the issue is its not documented anywhere that these statuses can not be checked on the main thread. I will try pushing them to background thread. But what about checking (AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().category == .playback) giving error Hangs - Interprocess communication on the main thread can cause non-deterministic delays. ?
Dec ’24